National Student Clearinghouse Research Center | The only source for nationwide student outcomes information

The National Student Clearinghouse® Research Center publishes relevant, objective data on postsecondary metrics to serve the community. With the majority of institutions in the United States providing data to the Clearinghouse, the research center’s publications guide policymakers and business leaders to make the best decisions for higher education.

Research Topics


First look (Stay Informed report series) and final term enrollments (Current Term Enrollment Estimates report series) note historical and longitudinal trends.

Transfer & Mobility

These reports consider student outcomes after transferring during their postsecondary tenure. 

Student Progression

Persistence and retention measure how many students re-enroll in postsecondary education each year.


Postsecondary completion trends showcasing 6- and 8-year national- and state-level data.

Some College,
No Credential

Students who left postsecondary education without receiving a credential. These reports capture their postsecondary outcomes after stopping out.

College Closure

Tracks students through their educational journey post-institutional closure addressing institutional characteristics, students’ re-enrollment, and completion of the first credential.

Latest Reports

Current Term Enrollment Estimates

Current Term Enrollment Estimates

Latest enrollment estimates for the current term nationally and by state, reported on by institution types, student groups, and major fields.

Completing College

Completing College

The Completing College report series provides a comprehensive overview of postsecondary completion trends nationally and by state. For all students who enter postsecondary education for the first time each year, it examines the diverse pathways the student traversed toward completion, as well as a degree or certificate completion rate within six and eight years of enrolling.

High School Benchmarks

High School Benchmarks

The High School Benchmarks Report provides high school-to-college transition rates for graduates of different types of high schools.

COVID-19: Stay Informed

COVID-19: Stay Informed

Recognizing the urgency of COVID-19’s impact on students and institutions, the Research Center’s Stay Informed series tracks outstanding college enrollment trends in near real-time during the COVID-19 era.

Tracking Transfer

Tracking Transfer

The 2022 update shows that of those who began postsecondary education at a community college in fall 2015, lower-income students were nearly half as likely than their higher-income peers to have transferred to a four-year institution (25% vs. 41%) and to have attained a bachelor’s degree within six years of first entry (11% vs. 22%).

COVID-19: Transfer, Mobility, and Progress

COVID-19: Transfer, Mobility, and Progress

Recognizing the urgency of COVID-19’s impact on students and institutions, the Research Center has been disseminating rapid response information to identify trends and raise areas of concern early enough for education and policy leaders to take corrective actions quickly.

Persistence & Retention

Persistence & Retention

This report series helps institutions understand first-year college persistence and retention patterns and identify disparities between different students, institutions, or states in this important early success indicator.

Some College, No Credential

Some College, No Credential

This report series seeks to understand the educational trajectories of millions of U.S. adults who left postsecondary education without receiving a postsecondary credential and are no longer enrolled.

Yearly Success and Progress Rates

Yearly Success and Progress Rates

Year-by-year rates of persistence, transfer, completion, and stop-out can help states and institutions better identify effective intervention points to increase student success.

Undergraduate Degree Earners

Undergraduate Degree Earners

Insights into undergraduate credential earners in the 2020-21 academic year by demographic and educational profiles.

Private: Completing College – 2019

Private: Completing College – 2019

The Completing College report series examines the various education pathways first-time beginning undergraduate students traversed toward a degree or certificate completion, as well as the completion outcomes within six years of enrolling for the different groups of students who followed each pathway.

Upcoming Publications


Undergraduate Degree Earners


Current Term Enrollment Estimates – Fall 2022


COVID-19 Transfer, Mobility, and Progress – Fall 2022

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