Search results for "time to degree" | National Student Clearinghouse Research Center
High School Benchmarks – 2015 (PDF)

High School Benchmarks – 2015 (PDF)

Our third annual report provides new data on high school graduates’ college access, persistence, and completion outcomes, including completions in STEM fields. Data are presented for students from different types of high schools, such as low versus higher income and...
Completing College – State – 2019 (PDF)

Completing College – State – 2019 (PDF)

The national completion rate for the fall 2012 cohort who started in four-year public institutions was 65.7 percent. The national completion rate for the fall 2012 cohort who started in two-year public institutions was 39.2...
Completing College – State – 2018 (PDF)

Completing College – State – 2018 (PDF)

In the state supplement to our sixth annual report on national college completion rates, we take a state-by-state look at the six-year outcomes for students who began postsecondary education in fall...

Enrollment Coverage 2017-2022 (XLSX)

Enrollment Coverage 2017-2022 (XLSX) The Research Center presents the Clearinghouse’s coverage of enrollments at all Title IV eligible degree-granting institutions. The resulting workbook contains detailed coverage calculations by state, sector, and level of...
First Postsecondary Enrollment – 2012 (PDF)

First Postsecondary Enrollment – 2012 (PDF)

Over a quarter of all first-time college students enter postsecondary institutions in January or later months. These students are often excluded from conventional reporting, which is usually focused on students who begin college in a fall...

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