Completing College – State – 2015 | National Student Clearinghouse Research Center

Completing College – State – 2015

by NSC Research Center | Feb 23, 2015 | 2015, Completions, Postsecondary, Signature Report, State

In the state supplement to our eighth Signature Report, a national study on college completion, we take a state-by-state look at the various pathways that students take to complete a college degree or certificate.

Suggested Citation: Shapiro, D., Dundar, A., Wakhungu, P., Yuan, X., & Harrell, A. (2015, February). Completing College: A State-Level View of Student Attainment Rates (Signature Report No. 8a). Herndon, VA: National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.

Table of Contents

About This Report


National Student Clearinghouse Research Center

  • Doug Shapiro
  • Afet Dundar

Project on Academic Success, Indiana University

  • Phoebe Khasiala Wakhungu
  • Xin Yuan
  • Autumn T. Harrell


This report was supported by a grant from the Lumina Foundation. Lumina Foundation, an Indianapolis-based private foundation, is committed to enrolling and graduating more students from college — especially 21st century students: low-income students, students of color, first-generation students and adult learners. Lumina’s goal is to increase the percentage of Americans who hold high-quality degrees and credentials to 60 percent by 2025. Lumina pursues this goal in three ways: by identifying and supporting effective practice, through public policy advocacy, and by using our communications and convening power to build public will for change. For more information, log on to

Among the study’s findings:

  • Nationally, 13 percent of students who started at four-year public institutions completed at an institution other than the starting institution. In 24 states, students who started at four-year public institutions had a higher completion rate elsewhere, with Minnesota having the highest rate at 25 percent followed by Missouri with 24 percent.
  • Traditional graduation measures do not include student completions that happen at institutions other than the starting institution. This means that completions elsewhere are counted as non-persistence. Our state-specific results show that, in nearly every state, not tracking completions elsewhere would lead to at least a 20 percent increase in the non-persistence rate for students who started at four-year public institutions.
  • Nationally, one in three students who started at two-year public institutions completed at an institution other than the one where they first enrolled. In seven states, more than 40 percent of all completions for two-year public starters happened elsewhere.
  • In five states (Iowa, North Dakota, Virginia, Kansas, Texas), more than 20 percent of the students who started at two-year public institutions completed at a four-year institution (with or without first receiving a credential at a two-year institution) within six years. Kansas had the highest rate at 25 percent followed by Virginia at 23 percent (compared to 16 percent nationally).
  • In 11 states, at least one in five women who started at two-year public institutions completed at a four-year institution. Only in two states did at least 20 percent of men who started at a two-year public institution complete at a four-year institution.
  • In 16 states, for students who started at four-year private nonprofit institutions, the completion rate was over 74 percent, the overall U.S. completion rate for students who started in this sector. In all but one of those 16 states, one in 10 completions happened at an institution other than the starting institution. In two of states (Minnesota and New York), one in five students who started at four-year private non-profit institutions and completed a degree did so at an institution other than the one where they first enrolled.
  • Tracking students who started college in one state and completed in another substantially added to the overall completion rate for students who started at four-year public and four-year private non-profit institutions. In 22 states, more than five percent of the starting cohort in four-year public institutions completed in a state different than the starting institution’s state. This was true for students who started at four-year private non-profit institutions in 33 states.
  • In most states, traditional-age students starting at four-year public institutions had higher completion rates than the delayed entry (age 21-24) and adult learner (over age 24) groups. In six states (Arizona, California, Iowa, Michigan, New Mexico, and North Carolina), delayed entry students had a higher completion rate than traditional-age students.
  • In only five states, at least one in three exclusively part-time students at four-year public institutions received a credential (compared to 21 percent nationally). In 21 states, more than 70 percent of students in this category had not received a credential and were not enrolled at the end of six years (compared to 68 percent nationally).

The Signature Report State Supplement includes detailed tables, providing a state-by-state overview of college completion outcomes within the four-year public, two-year public, and four-year private nonprofit sectors.


As a supplement to Completing College: A National View of Student Attainment Rates – Fall 2008 Cohort (2014), hereafter “Completing College,” this report focuses on six-year student success outcomes and college completion rates by state. The results are displayed in three sets of tables organized by institution type, showing each state’s outcomes for students who started postsecondary education at four-year public institutions, two-year public institutions, and four-year private nonprofit institutions. Each set of tables provides state-level overviews of college completion outcomes. Further results are included, showing state-level six-year outcomes for students:

  • By enrollment intensity across the six-year study period — exclusively full time (Tables 2, 11, 20), exclusively part time (Tables 3, 12, 21), and mixed enrollment (Tables 4, 13, 22);
  • By age at first entry to college — age 20 and younger (Tables 5, 14, 23), over age 20 through age 24 (Tables 6, 15, 24), and over age 24 (Tables 7, 16, 25);
  • By gender — women and men who started at each institution type (Tables 8, 17, 26 and 9, 18, 27, respectively).

According to the outcomes presented in Completing College, the overall six-year completion rate for first-time-in-college degree-seeking students who started college in fall 2008 was 55.1 percent, including 13 percent who completed at an institution different from their starting institution. In other words, nearly one in four students who completed a degree did so at an institution other than the one where they first enrolled. The number was closer to one in three for students who started at two-year public institutions — a situation that renders their successful outcomes invisible within traditional graduation rate calculations. Findings from Completing College also showed that gains from completions elsewhere were higher for traditional-age students than for delayed entry students (over age 20 through age 24 at first entry) and adult learners (over age 24 at first entry). Moreover, there was a large gap between the overall completion rates of traditional-age students and older students, with adult learners showing a six-year completion rate 17 percentage points lower than that for the traditional-age group (42 percent and 59 percent, respectively). The total completion rates for students who started at each of the three largest institution categories ranged from 39.1 percent for students who started at two‐year public institutions to 62.8 percent for those who started at four‐year public institutions and 73.6 percent for students who started at four‐year private nonprofit institutions (see Table i below; Signature Report 8 for further discussion). The overall proportion of students completing elsewhere, however, was roughly the same for students who started at any of these institution types — about 13 to 14 percent of the starting cohort.

Table i. Six-Year Outcomes by Starting Institution Type (N=2,668,614)

Institution Type Total Completion Rate (%) Completion at Same Institution (%) Completion at Different Institution (%) Still Enrolled (At Any Institution) (%) Not Enrolled (At Any Institution) (%)
Two-Year Four-Year
Overall 55.03 42.06 3.19 9.78 14.71 30.26
Four-Year Public 62.85 49.80 3.51 9.55 14.44 22.71
Four-Year Private Nonprofit 73.57 59.82 2.59 11.16 9.26 17.17
Four-Year Private For-Profit 38.41 30.12 2.01 6.29 11.71 49.88
Two-Year Public 39.13 26.14 3.22 9.77 17.93 42.94
Two-Year Private Nonprofit 50.99 35.04 4.29 11.66 13.16 35.83
Two-Year Private For-Profit 57.12 51.44 4.00 1.67 6.04 36.84

Building on the findings presented in Completing College, this follow-up report explores college completion rates for each state where the Clearinghouse historical data coverage for the study cohort was 65 percent or higher. Both Completing College and this supplemental report focus on the cohort entering college as first-time1 students in fall 2008, following them through May 31, 2014, and highlighting six-year student outcomes, including degree and certificate completion and continuing enrollment (persistence). Completions were identified using a combination of degree/certificate award records submitted by institutions as part of their participation in the Clearinghouse’s DegreeVerifySM and StudentTracker® services. Details on weighting and the imputation of missing data can be found in Appendix A of Completing College.

1 Due to the need to establish students’ first-time status, only institutions that submitted enrollment data dating back to June 1, 2004 to the Clearinghouse are included in the report. Historical coverage rates are based on these institutions.


The cohort examined in this study is made up of first-time degree-seeking students who started their postsecondary studies in the fall of 2008, nearly 2.7 million students. Fall 2008 enrollments were defined as enrollment during any term beginning August 11 through October 31, inclusive; if the institution had no term begin date during this period, then between July 14 and August 10, 2008, inclusive. First-time status was established by confirming that a student (1) did not show any postsecondary enrollment record in the four years prior to summer 2008 and (2) did not receive a degree or certificate from any postsecondary institution prior to fall 2008, according to Clearinghouse data. Former dual enrollment students, first-time college students in fall 2008 who had taken college courses while still in high school were included in the study cohort.


This supplemental report presents student outcomes by the state of students’ entering institution. Data coverage for the cohort identified in this study varies somewhat across states and across institution types within states (see Appendix A of this report for coverage by state and institution type). Accordingly, we have included state-by-state results for four-year public, two-year public, and four-year private nonprofit institutions, including under each of these categories only those states for which the historical data coverage for the cohort is 65 percent or higher. Using this approach, we produced tables showing results for 49 and 41 of the 50 states for four-year public and two-year public institutions respectively, and 42 states plus the District of Columbia for four-year private nonprofit institutions. Table ii., below, shows the states included in the tables presented for each institution type in this supplement to the national report.

Table ii. Representation of Each State in Results Tables by Institution Type

State Four-Year Public Two-Year Public Four-Year Private Nonprofit
Alabama X X
Alaska †† *
Arizona X *
Arkansas X X X
California X X X
Colorado X X X
Connecticut X X X
Delaware * X
District of Columbia X
Florida X X X
Georgia X X X
Hawaii X X
Idaho X X *
Illinois X X X
Indiana X X
Iowa X X X
Kansas X X
Kentucky X X X
Louisiana X X
Maine X X X
Maryland X X X
Massachusetts X X X
Michigan X X
Minnesota X X X
Mississippi X X
Missouri X X X
Montana X X X
Nebraska X X X
Nevada X *
New Hampshire X X
New Jersey X X X
New Mexico X *
New York X X X
North Carolina X X X
North Dakota X X X
Ohio X X X
Oklahoma X
Oregon X X X
Pennsylvania X X X
Rhode Island * * X
South Carolina X X X
South Dakota X X X
Tennessee X X X
Texas X X X
Utah X * *
Vermont X X X
Virginia X X X
Washington X X X
West Virginia X
Wisconsin X X X
Wyoming X X

X Included in report
* Fewer than three institutions (blank) Lower than 65% coverage
†† Results are not reported because the cohort includes both two-year and four-year enrollments.

To further guide readers regarding coverage, and consequently the relative confidence with which results should be interpreted, for each institution type, we grouped the states according to the following three levels of coverage:

  • Low coverage: States with coverage between 65 and 79 percent
  • Medium coverage: States with coverage between 80 and 89 percent
  • High Coverage: States with coverage of 90 percent or higher


Table 1. Six-Year Outcomes for Students Who Started at Four-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 62.85 49.80 9.55 3.51 14.44 22.71
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alabama 58.70 46.03 9.65 3.02 16.43 24.87
Alaska †† †† †† †† †† ††
Arizona 68.96 56.84 7.75 4.38 12.98 18.06
Arkansas 53.29 38.85 10.07 4.38 16.51 30.20
California 68.75 61.69 4.58 2.48 17.09 14.16
Colorado 61.97 47.34 10.78 3.85 14.16 23.87
Connecticut 71.57 58.78 10.19 2.60 11.01 17.42
Delaware * * * * * *
Florida 56.42 45.27 9.46 1.69 13.90 29.68
Georgia 61.74 47.44 10.89 3.41 15.81 22.46
Hawaii 57.95 45.28 7.47 5.20 15.14 26.91
Idaho 43.77 30.17 10.04 3.56 23.98 32.25
Illinois 73.20 57.99 10.03 5.18 10.70 16.09
Iowa 79.56 66.39 9.36 3.81 7.63 12.81
Kansas 63.79 51.62 8.18 4.00 13.29 22.92
Kentucky 57.89 44.72 8.61 4.56 14.68 27.43
Louisiana 55.99 41.58 10.87 3.55 17.34 26.67
Maine 55.43 38.26 13.89 3.28 14.11 30.46
Maryland 61.64 45.48 7.99 8.18 16.18 22.18
Massachusetts 68.06 56.08 9.41 2.57 10.88 21.07
Michigan 70.4 60.51 7.01 2.87 13.87 15.73
Minnesota 71.67 46.76 19.11 5.80 12.27 16.06
Mississippi 61.98 48.12 8.73 5.12 15.33 22.69
Missouri 63.17 39.24 18.84 5.09 16.41 20.42
Montana 51.11 40.43 8.20 2.48 15.52 33.37
Nebraska 64.61 46.00 14.89 3.73 15.82 19.56
Nevada 28.76 21.33 5.36 2.08 23.76 47.48
New Hampshire 78.17 64.84 10.95 2.38 6.38 15.45
North Carolina 70.80 59.89 8.00 2.91 11.19 18.01
North Dakota 64.61 45.32 13.08 6.20 12.28 23.11
Ohio 59.80 47.70 9.24 2.86 13.96 26.23
Oregon 64.98 51.68 10.35 2.95 14.60 20.42
Pennsylvania 71.25 59.74 8.79 2.72 8.88 19.87
Rhode Island * * * * * *
South Carolina 71.86 57.35 11.56 2.96 11.03 17.11
South Dakota 64.65 46.04 12.20 6.41 11.50 23.85
Tennessee 58.03 45.89 8.79 3.35 15.14 26.83
Texas 60.56 47.55 10.07 2.94 16.32 23.13
Utah 39.27 28.65 8.28 2.35 30.47 30.25
Vermont 75.25 61.98 11.20 2.08 6.67 18.08
Virginia 77.46 67.13 7.93 2.40 8.84 13.70
Washington 62.00 48.72 9.86 3.42 13.99 24.00
West Virginia 54.23 39.76 10.20 4.27 14.86 30.91
Wisconsin 68.70 52.81 11.45 4.44 12.49 18.81
Wyoming 64.65 53.62 6.27 4.76 13.46 21.89
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
New Jersey 73.30 60.77 10.02 2.51 10.75 15.96
New Mexico 46.14 37.09 5.02 4.04 20.57 33.29
New York 62.46 48.12 10.87 3.47 13.06 24.48
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Oklahoma 44.43 32.69 8.27 3.46 15.38 40.19

* Fewer than three institutions.
For the proportions of in-state and out-of-state completions see Table 28.
†† Results are not reported because the cohort includes both two-year and four-year enrollments.

Table 2. Six-Year Outcomes for Exclusively Full-Time Students Who Started at Four-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 82.51 72.16 8.22 2.14 3.56 13.93
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alabama 78.07 67.54 8.89 1.64 4.23 17.70
Alaska †† †† †† †† †† ††
Arizona 87.31 76.69 7.83 2.78 3.32 9.37
Arkansas 71.35 60.82 7.57 2.97 3.73 24.92
California 87.25 81.77 4.18 1.30 4.98 7.78
Colorado 81.55 69.30 9.50 2.75 3.32 15.13
Connecticut 86.80 76.72 9.25 0.83 2.72 10.49
Delaware * * * * * *
Florida 83.22 74.81 7.08 1.33 2.10 14.68
Georgia 75.71 62.95 10.74 2.02 5.03 19.26
Hawaii 78.09 65.14 9.66 3.29 6.34 15.57
Idaho 69.19 59.63 6.73 2.84 6.74 24.07
Illinois 88.02 74.53 10.54 2.95 2.77 9.22
Iowa 91.05 80.18 8.36 2.51 2.16 6.80
Kansas 81.69 70.69 8.35 2.65 3.01 15.30
Kentucky 77.30 66.73 7.98 2.60 4.06 18.64
Louisiana 72.94 62.74 8.18 2.02 4.52 22.54
Maine 76.88 65.90 9.51 1.47 2.17 20.95
Maryland 87.09 77.37 8.10 1.61 3.16 9.75
Massachusetts 83.23 72.69 9.17 1.37 2.87 13.90
Michigan 88.89 80.70 6.74 1.45 2.73 8.38
Minnesota 87.46 73.12 10.69 3.65 2.41 10.14
Mississippi 79.23 68.26 7.10 3.86 5.13 15.64
Missouri 84.44 71.87 10.36 2.21 2.47 13.09
Montana 63.89 54.28 7.74 1.87 7.28 28.83
Nebraska 83.58 69.16 11.85 2.57 3.49 12.93
Nevada 65.91 56.85 7.40 1.66 4.52 29.56
New Hampshire 89.34 78.82 9.69 0.83 1.24 9.42
North Carolina 85.91 77.50 7.11 1.30 3.12 10.97
North Dakota 84.33 68.89 11.63 3.80 2.59 13.09
Ohio 80.09 70.95 7.77 1.37 3.35 16.56
Oregon 78.77 65.67 10.68 2.42 3.10 18.13
Pennsylvania 83.53 74.08 7.83 1.62 2.62 13.85
Rhode Island * * * * * *
South Carolina 86.96 75.45 10.24 1.27 3.51 9.53
South Dakota 82.73 66.94 10.41 5.38 2.06 15.21
Tennessee 81.66 71.44 8.44 1.78 3.99 14.35
Texas 77.50 66.52 9.15 1.83 4.06 18.44
Utah 63.50 55.74 6.46 1.31 14.33 22.17
Vermont 85.81 74.31 10.66 0.85 1.74 12.44
Virginia 89.68 82.16 6.51 1.01 2.27 8.04
Washington 83.50 75.55 6.11 1.85 2.76 13.74
West Virginia 72.21 59.96 8.31 3.94 5.36 22.43
Wisconsin 84.62 71.71 9.69 3.22 3.83 11.56
Wyoming 78.97 69.66 6.03 3.28 6.64 14.39
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
New Jersey 86.36 74.55 10.41 1.41 2.97 10.67
New Mexico 71.14 63.31 5.65 2.18 7.74 21.12
New York 80.01 68.80 8.90 2.31 3.25 16.74
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Oklahoma 68.58 59.55 6.95 2.07 3.54 27.89

* Fewer than three institutions.
†† Results are not reported because the cohort includes both two-year and four-year enrollments.

Table 3. Six-Year Outcomes for Exclusively Part-Time Students Who Started at Four-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 21.40 16.69 1.52 3.19 10.54 68.07
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alabama 20.87 14.69 2.85 3.32 11.56 67.57
Alaska †† †† †† †† †† ††
Arizona 27.84 15.07 2.98 9.79 11.51 60.65
Arkansas 20.59 17.10 1.02 2.46 6.79 72.62
California 25.82 22.96 1.81 1.06 6.52 67.66
Colorado 15.02 10.64 1.68 2.70 9.91 75.06
Connecticut 30.83 27.32 2.12 1.39 13.02 56.15
Delaware * * * * * *
Florida 22.16 19.48 1.34 1.34 10.68 67.16
Georgia 29.33 26.43 1.70 1.20 9.56 61.11
Hawaii 21.45 20.76 0.37 0.32 5.75 72.81
Idaho 9.16 5.83 0.80 2.53 13.85 76.99
Illinois 40.61 35.35 2.22 3.05 9.35 50.03
Iowa 19.28 14.68 3.68 0.92 5.05 75.67
Kansas 22.98 19.35 2.45 1.18 11.96 65.06
Kentucky 25.15 21.37 0.88 2.90 9.98 64.88
Louisiana 14.10 9.78 0.40 3.92 7.17 78.73
Maine 9.66 8.74 0.23 0.69 9.43 80.92
Maryland 42.40 18.46 2.17 21.77 13.47 44.12
Massachusetts 32.17 28.52 3.13 0.52 11.00 56.82
Michigan 31.36 27.71 2.13 1.53 9.43 59.21
Minnesota 24.06 16.30 3.53 4.23 8.07 67.87
Mississippi 33.29 27.89 0.47 4.94 11.40 55.31
Missouri 18.59 14.85 1.76 1.98 7.67 73.74
Montana 12.84 12.84 0.00 0.00 8.95 78.21
Nebraska 23.67 20.59 1.32 1.76 8.46 67.87
Nevada 5.00 3.48 0.32 1.21 13.70 81.29
New Hampshire 15.52 13.01 1.51 1.00 13.52 70.97
North Carolina 30.35 27.07 1.92 1.36 8.16 61.49
North Dakota 27.61 11.32 1.63 14.66 8.81 63.58
Ohio 20.88 18.38 1.45 1.06 11.55 67.57
Oregon 14.43 11.95 1.15 1.33 10.85 74.72
Pennsylvania 31.21 29.20 1.24 0.78 8.83 59.95
Rhode Island * * * * * *
South Carolina 17.76 13.52 3.45 0.79 10.73 71.51
South Dakota 22.44 18.74 1.48 2.22 9.23 68.32
Tennessee 15.70 13.46 1.59 0.65 8.27 76.04
Texas 24.15 20.67 1.58 1.91 9.04 66.80
Utah 11.49 9.84 0.88 0.76 13.98 74.53
Vermont 16.97 12.50 2.68 1.79 12.51 70.52
Virginia 30.77 28.13 2.04 0.60 13.43 55.79
Washington 12.26 10.59 1.03 0.64 7.98 79.77
West Virginia 15.23 12.33 1.53 1.37 6.48 78.29
Wisconsin 20.78 16.53 1.63 2.63 13.04 66.18
Wyoming ** ** ** ** ** **
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
New Jersey 36.89 32.13 4.47 0.29 9.53 53.57
New Mexico 14.16 10.70 1.41 2.05 10.03 75.81
New York 23.57 21.54 1.34 0.70 7.67 68.76
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Oklahoma 11.56 9.07 0.81 1.67 7.67 80.78

* Fewer than three institutions.
** Fewer than 50 students in subgroup.
†† Results are not reported because the cohort includes both two-year and four-year enrollments.

Table 4. Six-Year Outcomes for Mixed Enrollment Students Who Started at Four-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 50.27 33.90 11.62 4.75 24.43 25.31
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alabama 46.70 31.86 10.76 4.07 26.21 27.09
Alaska †† †† †† †† †† ††
Arizona 54.38 40.91 7.94 5.53 21.95 23.67
Arkansas 43.44 25.42 12.52 5.50 26.12 30.44
California 56.37 47.96 4.98 3.42 26.62 17.01
Colorado 47.07 29.10 12.92 5.05 25.30 27.63
Connecticut 51.13 32.83 12.64 5.65 24.43 24.45
Delaware * * * * * *
Florida 55.51 41.33 12.29 1.89 18.80 25.68
Georgia 53.82 37.86 11.48 4.49 23.57 22.61
Hawaii 46.30 31.74 6.76 7.80 24.75 28.95
Idaho 35.53 18.15 13.26 4.12 34.84 29.63
Illinois 50.46 31.81 9.65 9.00 23.97 25.57
Iowa 61.38 43.28 11.61 6.49 18.26 20.36
Kansas 51.78 37.80 8.56 5.42 22.48 25.74
Kentucky 41.92 25.46 9.87 6.59 25.31 32.77
Louisiana 48.47 30.76 13.24 4.46 25.92 25.61
Maine 46.33 22.60 18.82 4.91 23.16 30.51
Maryland 45.33 26.38 10.35 8.60 29.91 24.76
Massachusetts 49.92 34.34 10.78 4.81 23.45 26.63
Michigan 55.75 43.98 7.54 4.24 24.24 20.01
Minnesota 63.44 30.43 25.65 7.35 19.21 17.35
Mississippi 42.85 24.94 11.24 6.67 27.98 29.18
Missouri 52.62 20.52 25.06 7.05 25.51 21.87
Montana 39.73 26.77 9.52 3.44 25.86 34.41
Nebraska 50.64 27.73 18.11 4.80 26.57 22.79
Nevada 28.86 19.10 7.15 2.60 34.42 36.72
New Hampshire 54.44 31.25 16.05 7.13 20.45 25.11
North Carolina 50.73 35.87 9.56 5.30 23.01 26.26
North Dakota 50.12 27.20 15.25 7.67 21.10 28.78
Ohio 46.15 30.67 11.19 4.29 23.15 30.70
Oregon 62.42 48.40 10.75 3.26 19.42 18.16
Pennsylvania 50.61 34.34 11.25 5.01 21.03 28.36
Rhode Island * * * * * *
South Carolina 49.22 28.85 14.35 6.02 24.03 26.75
South Dakota 51.32 28.32 15.12 7.88 21.09 27.59
Tennessee 39.71 24.90 9.75 5.06 26.15 34.14
Texas 54.32 39.48 11.23 3.61 23.47 22.21
Utah 36.43 23.34 10.14 2.95 38.45 25.12
Vermont 54.08 35.46 13.41 5.22 18.63 27.28
Virginia 56.50 39.88 11.28 5.34 21.75 21.75
Washington 56.18 38.54 13.02 4.63 20.93 22.88
West Virginia 40.53 22.68 12.95 4.90 25.09 34.38
Wisconsin 53.60 32.77 14.66 6.17 23.32 23.09
Wyoming 38.66 22.90 7.34 8.42 29.05 32.29
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
New Jersey 52.34 37.61 9.89 4.84 25.68 21.97
New Mexico 32.27 21.19 5.19 5.89 32.74 34.99
New York 45.44 26.08 14.21 5.15 25.38 29.18
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Oklahoma 38.94 23.87 10.52 4.55 23.08 37.98

* Fewer than three institutions.
†† Results are not reported because the cohort includes both two-year and four-year enrollments.

Table 5. Six-Year Outcomes for Students Age 20 or Younger at First Entry Who Started at Four-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 65.68 51.59 10.48 3.61 14.75 19.56
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alabama 61.65 49.00 9.80 2.84 16.74 21.61
Alaska †† †† †† †† †† ††
Arizona 68.81 56.55 8.41 3.86 13.48 17.70
Arkansas 54.39 38.54 11.26 4.59 17.58 28.03
California 69.56 62.20 4.72 2.65 18.05 12.39
Colorado 65.01 49.25 11.61 4.14 14.10 20.89
Connecticut 73.05 59.61 10.78 2.67 10.91 16.04
Delaware * * * * * *
Florida 62.38 49.47 11.28 1.63 14.29 23.33
Georgia 62.98 47.69 11.70 3.59 16.19 20.82
Hawaii 60.55 46.00 8.41 6.14 16.49 22.95
Idaho 45.43 30.02 11.78 3.63 26.08 28.49
Illinois 74.45 58.21 10.64 5.60 10.75 14.81
Iowa 81.05 67.05 9.88 4.12 7.65 11.30
Kansas 65.46 51.76 9.24 4.47 13.93 20.60
Kentucky 59.26 45.07 9.33 4.85 15.09 25.65
Louisiana 57.73 42.20 11.94 3.59 18.15 24.12
Maine 60.65 40.66 16.25 3.74 13.84 25.51
Maryland 73.40 60.70 9.52 3.18 11.51 15.09
Massachusetts 70.71 57.61 10.21 2.89 10.65 18.64
Michigan 70.75 60.29 7.41 3.06 14.39 14.86
Minnesota 73.03 46.31 20.55 6.17 12.53 14.44
Mississippi 63.65 48.70 9.42 5.52 15.53 20.82
Missouri 64.75 39.19 20.21 5.35 16.88 18.37
Montana 55.44 43.24 9.41 2.79 16.32 28.24
Nebraska 65.82 46.29 15.66 3.87 16.25 17.93
Nevada 37.60 28.39 6.94 2.28 27.56 34.83
New Hampshire 80.91 66.95 11.50 2.46 5.81 13.28
North Carolina 71.42 59.91 8.49 3.02 11.49 17.08
North Dakota 67.77 47.29 14.37 6.11 12.35 19.88
Ohio 62.69 49.33 10.32 3.05 14.07 23.24
Oregon 66.53 52.04 11.19 3.31 15.13 18.34
Pennsylvania 72.97 60.84 9.31 2.82 8.71 18.32
Rhode Island * * * * * *
South Carolina 73.30 58.11 12.06 3.13 11.06 15.64
South Dakota 68.43 48.48 13.04 6.92 11.36 20.20
Tennessee 59.56 46.39 9.45 3.71 15.56 24.88
Texas 61.27 46.96 11.16 3.16 17.42 21.30
Utah 40.07 28.29 9.23 2.55 32.76 27.17
Vermont 77.48 63.72 11.57 2.19 6.45 16.07
Virginia 78.89 67.96 8.37 2.56 8.69 12.42
Washington 67.68 52.46 11.38 3.83 14.86 17.46
West Virginia 57.70 41.70 11.64 4.36 15.46 26.84
Wisconsin 71.56 54.51 12.30 4.75 12.36 16.08
Wyoming 67.48 55.66 6.58 5.24 14.07 18.45
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
New Jersey 74.95 61.93 10.31 2.70 10.66 14.39
New Mexico 46.92 37.07 5.59 4.25 22.47 30.61
New York 67.05 50.67 12.45 3.93 13.71 19.24
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Oklahoma 46.76 33.54 9.50 3.72 16.45 36.79

* Fewer than three institutions.
†† Results are not reported because the cohort includes both two-year and four-year enrollments.

Table 6. Six-Year Outcomes for Students Over Age 20 Through Age 24 at First Entry Who Started at Four-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 50.70 42.08 5.16 3.47 14.48 34.82
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alabama 51.26 39.43 6.33 5.51 16.53 32.21
Alaska †† †† †† †† †† ††
Arizona 71.63 57.20 3.70 10.72 10.12 18.26
Arkansas 47.21 39.29 4.56 3.36 12.04 40.76
California 72.99 68.97 2.84 1.18 7.04 19.97
Colorado 40.67 34.77 3.74 2.15 15.16 44.18
Connecticut 64.20 53.05 7.92 3.23 10.77 25.03
Delaware * * * * * *
Florida 37.01 29.85 4.67 2.48 17.11 45.89
Georgia 49.62 40.80 5.74 3.07 15.41 34.98
Hawaii 52.12 45.27 5.29 1.56 10.42 37.46
Idaho 35.27 27.86 4.50 2.92 20.18 44.55
Illinois 72.62 62.67 7.63 2.33 8.09 19.29
Iowa 81.66 75.93 4.87 0.86 6.60 11.74
Kansas 62.44 55.65 4.45 2.34 9.96 27.60
Kentucky 41.69 33.80 4.44 3.45 15.10 43.21
Louisiana 55.63 45.13 6.58 3.92 12.49 31.88
Maine 33.76 28.48 3.11 2.17 14.66 51.58
Maryland 40.89 19.00 6.60 15.29 29.70 29.41
Massachusetts 62.33 55.43 5.56 1.34 11.78 25.88
Michigan 75.45 69.76 4.17 1.52 9.06 15.49
Minnesota 63.84 51.64 8.71 3.49 9.66 26.51
Mississippi 56.17 47.21 4.01 4.95 15.08 28.75
Missouri 48.95 40.79 5.44 2.72 12.86 38.18
Montana 34.18 27.05 5.43 1.70 16.26 49.56
Nebraska 52.35 43.71 4.86 3.79 15.86 31.80
Nevada 16.05 10.31 3.45 2.29 23.79 60.16
New Hampshire 61.15 49.64 9.36 2.16 14.39 24.45
North Carolina 74.01 68.40 3.30 2.31 6.76 19.23
North Dakota 43.84 29.38 7.70 6.77 14.55 41.61
Ohio 41.04 34.95 3.99 2.10 15.18 43.78
Oregon 60.71 54.43 5.56 0.72 13.05 26.24
Pennsylvania 54.13 47.33 4.43 2.36 12.42 33.45
Rhode Island * * * * * *
South Carolina 66.91 57.19 7.86 1.86 9.94 23.15
South Dakota 44.45 30.98 8.76 4.70 14.00 41.55
Tennessee 48.07 41.31 5.76 1.00 13.00 38.93
Texas 56.73 49.00 5.31 2.41 10.68 32.60
Utah 35.12 28.50 4.75 1.88 24.69 40.19
Vermont 65.00 53.57 9.68 1.76 5.29 29.71
Virginia 73.11 67.69 3.96 1.46 6.32 20.57
Washington 47.14 40.18 4.63 2.33 12.30 40.56
West Virginia 34.03 26.89 3.99 3.14 15.74 50.23
Wisconsin 48.20 41.23 4.96 2.01 14.32 37.48
Wyoming 59.29 51.84 5.59 1.85 12.96 27.75
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
New Jersey 71.09 60.89 8.23 1.98 11.33 17.58
New Mexico 49.11 41.88 4.37 2.87 12.11 38.77
New York 56.05 47.40 6.19 2.46 14.72 29.23
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Oklahoma 39.53 29.92 6.22 3.39 12.99 47.48

* Fewer than three institutions.
†† Results are not reported because the cohort includes both two-year and four-year enrollments.

Table 7. Six-Year Outcomes for Students Over Age 24 at First Entry Who Started at Four-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 45.85 39.20 3.90 2.76 12.14 42.01
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alabama 42.73 29.49 10.20 3.05 14.34 42.93
Alaska †† †† †† †† †† ††
Arizona 68.91 59.96 2.77 6.19 9.08 22.00
Arkansas 47.36 41.37 2.88 3.11 9.75 42.90
California 55.86 51.92 3.34 0.60 7.34 36.80
Colorado 40.13 33.24 5.34 1.55 14.34 45.53
Connecticut 57.89 51.79 4.43 1.66 12.35 29.76
Delaware * * * * * *
Florida 37.47 32.64 3.20 1.63 10.81 51.72
Georgia 53.92 47.72 4.53 1.67 11.86 34.21
Hawaii 44.30 40.85 2.60 0.85 8.69 47.01
Idaho 39.04 32.13 3.39 3.52 14.60 46.37
Illinois 60.94 54.03 4.88 2.04 12.57 26.49
Iowa 59.32 53.94 4.58 0.80 8.26 32.42
Kansas 51.94 47.31 2.95 1.68 11.00 37.06
Kentucky 49.92 45.36 2.68 1.88 10.15 39.93
Louisiana 40.73 34.41 3.33 2.98 12.37 46.90
Maine 31.02 27.02 3.21 0.79 15.57 53.40
Maryland 46.65 25.92 5.53 15.21 20.09 33.26
Massachusetts 50.05 44.83 4.66 0.56 12.34 37.61
Michigan 62.78 58.58 3.13 1.08 9.34 27.87
Minnesota 57.88 51.49 4.48 1.91 9.97 32.15
Mississippi 48.26 42.90 4.06 1.30 13.49 38.25
Missouri 45.55 39.19 4.09 2.27 10.65 43.80
Montana 38.96 33.75 3.80 1.41 11.31 49.73
Nebraska 48.96 42.33 5.30 1.33 8.36 42.68
Nevada 13.68 9.50 2.56 1.62 15.43 70.88
New Hampshire 44.53 39.85 3.50 1.17 11.64 43.83
North Carolina 60.90 56.24 3.16 1.51 8.85 30.24
North Dakota 43.53 33.81 2.88 6.85 10.36 46.11
Ohio 43.90 39.79 2.48 1.63 12.36 43.74
Oregon 51.91 47.16 4.27 0.48 10.11 37.97
Pennsylvania 55.31 50.37 3.46 1.48 9.56 35.13
Rhode Island * * * * * *
South Carolina 49.40 44.37 4.46 0.57 10.88 39.72
South Dakota 45.99 35.01 7.56 3.42 11.35 42.66
Tennessee 47.81 43.07 3.81 0.94 12.01 40.18
Texas 56.44 51.97 3.21 1.27 9.80 33.76
Utah 35.76 31.77 3.03 0.96 15.69 48.55
Vermont 49.92 42.79 6.63 0.50 12.95 37.13
Virginia 58.08 54.53 3.18 0.37 12.29 29.62
Washington 34.31 30.02 2.84 1.45 9.51 56.18
West Virginia 37.05 30.79 2.20 4.07 10.12 52.83
Wisconsin 44.98 38.44 4.58 1.96 13.13 41.89
Wyoming 43.99 37.97 4.02 2.00 8.81 47.20
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
New Jersey 56.69 48.34 7.67 0.68 11.44 31.88
New Mexico 40.30 35.17 1.89 3.23 12.88 46.82
New York 51.16 45.56 4.64 0.96 14.16 34.68
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Oklahoma 37.47 30.87 4.19 2.41 12.21 50.32

* Fewer than three institutions.
†† Results are not reported because the cohort includes both two-year and four-year enrollments.

Table 8. Six-Year Outcomes of Women Who Started at Four-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 66.87 51.94 10.98 3.95 13.48 19.65
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alabama 63.02 48.28 11.12 3.63 15.93 21.05
Alaska †† †† †† †† †† ††
Arizona 72.88 59.12 8.93 4.83 11.13 15.99
Arkansas 57.64 41.46 11.10 5.07 16.68 25.69
California 71.27 63.00 5.30 2.97 15.91 12.82
Colorado 65.41 48.65 12.15 4.60 13.48 21.11
Connecticut 76.12 61.09 11.93 3.10 9.87 14.01
Delaware * * * * * *
Florida 59.76 47.89 10.20 1.67 13.61 26.63
Georgia 66.71 50.45 12.10 4.16 14.89 18.40
Hawaii 62.67 48.54 8.59 5.54 14.85 22.48
Idaho 47.41 30.23 12.81 4.37 22.93 29.66
Illinois 75.49 57.81 11.78 5.90 10.25 14.25
Iowa 83.55 67.84 11.36 4.35 6.08 10.38
Kansas 68.22 53.19 10.10 4.92 12.35 19.43
Kentucky 62.99 47.31 9.89 5.79 13.24 23.77
Louisiana 59.38 43.47 12.11 3.80 16.79 23.83
Maine 56.54 39.20 13.82 3.53 14.00 29.46
Maryland 66.10 50.64 9.10 6.36 14.94 18.96
Massachusetts 71.40 58.08 10.33 3.00 10.23 18.37
Michigan 72.60 61.43 7.59 3.58 13.48 13.92
Minnesota 76.87 47.32 22.33 7.22 10.80 12.33
Mississippi 66.89 50.68 10.19 6.01 14.44 18.68
Missouri 67.29 39.89 21.56 5.84 15.63 17.08
Montana 55.38 43.19 9.22 2.97 13.74 30.88
Nebraska 69.12 46.72 18.54 3.86 14.76 16.12
Nevada 34.53 25.27 6.97 2.29 25.72 39.76
New Hampshire 82.59 67.33 12.76 2.50 5.66 11.75
North Carolina 73.72 61.01 9.36 3.35 10.84 15.44
North Dakota 68.29 45.14 16.57 6.59 10.81 20.90
Ohio 63.51 49.32 10.89 3.30 13.39 23.10
Oregon 68.57 52.82 12.48 3.28 13.30 18.13
Pennsylvania 75.84 62.35 10.25 3.24 8.05 16.11
Rhode Island * * * * * *
South Carolina 74.38 58.08 13.08 3.22 10.93 14.69
South Dakota 67.72 46.36 14.34 7.02 10.61 21.67
Tennessee 62.22 47.90 10.51 3.81 14.85 22.94
Texas 65.23 50.15 11.74 3.34 15.04 19.73
Utah 49.30 34.58 11.56 3.16 20.92 29.78
Vermont 79.48 65.23 12.00 2.25 6.41 14.11
Virginia 80.87 70.10 8.39 2.38 7.68 11.45
Washington 67.31 52.46 11.00 3.84 12.47 20.22
West Virginia 58.98 42.56 11.07 5.36 14.24 26.78
Wisconsin 72.88 54.21 13.25 5.42 11.87 15.25
Wyoming 71.16 60.19 5.77 5.20 11.09 17.75
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
New Jersey 77.81 64.65 10.68 2.47 9.28 12.91
New Mexico 50.08 40.53 5.09 4.46 19.93 29.99
New York 66.67 50.58 12.43 3.67 12.45 20.88
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Oklahoma 48.67 35.00 9.87 3.80 15.83 35.50

* Fewer than three institutions.
†† Results are not reported because the cohort includes both two-year and four-year enrollments.

Table 9. Six-Year Outcomes of Men Who Started at Four-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 58.73 47.17 8.36 3.20 16.06 25.21
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alabama 53.78 42.57 8.55 2.66 18.10 28.12
Alaska †† †† †† †† †† ††
Arizona 64.49 53.23 7.02 4.24 15.30 20.20
Arkansas 49.90 36.96 9.28 3.65 17.38 32.72
California 64.80 58.55 4.09 2.16 19.50 15.70
Colorado 58.30 45.13 9.94 3.23 15.54 26.16
Connecticut 67.30 56.30 8.77 2.23 12.37 20.33
Delaware * * * * * *
Florida 52.63 41.93 8.90 1.79 14.98 32.39
Georgia 56.89 44.26 9.90 2.74 17.60 25.51
Hawaii 54.31 41.84 6.86 5.61 19.33 26.35
Idaho 39.38 29.05 7.52 2.82 26.03 34.59
Illinois 70.95 57.12 9.11 4.71 11.28 17.77
Iowa 75.48 64.78 7.41 3.29 9.36 15.16
Kansas 59.39 49.68 6.55 3.16 14.71 25.90
Kentucky 52.30 41.76 7.21 3.33 17.05 30.65
Louisiana 52.92 39.82 9.89 3.22 18.57 28.51
Maine 54.16 37.14 14.02 2.99 14.27 31.58
Maryland 57.40 39.31 7.39 10.70 18.51 24.09
Massachusetts 64.70 53.72 8.72 2.26 11.63 23.67
Michigan 67.72 59.03 6.53 2.16 14.81 17.47
Minnesota 64.72 44.08 16.00 4.65 14.47 20.81
Mississippi 57.06 45.74 7.09 4.23 17.09 25.85
Missouri 59.03 38.64 16.04 4.35 17.92 23.05
Montana 47.73 38.59 7.03 2.12 17.77 34.50
Nebraska 59.23 43.86 11.52 3.86 17.79 22.98
Nevada 24.11 18.22 3.98 1.91 23.91 51.98
New Hampshire 73.14 61.57 9.20 2.38 7.27 19.58
North Carolina 66.26 56.58 6.83 2.85 12.55 21.19
North Dakota 61.32 44.84 10.23 6.26 14.18 24.50
Ohio 56.56 46.27 7.76 2.53 14.92 28.52
Oregon 62.20 51.35 8.35 2.50 15.85 21.95
Pennsylvania 66.97 57.42 7.31 2.23 9.85 23.18
Rhode Island * * * * * *
South Carolina 69.14 56.34 9.92 2.88 11.74 19.12
South Dakota 61.25 45.08 9.97 6.20 13.34 25.41
Tennessee 53.72 43.44 7.27 3.01 16.35 29.93
Texas 55.45 44.17 8.67 2.61 18.42 26.13
Utah 29.45 22.86 5.03 1.57 42.14 28.40
Vermont 70.95 59.29 9.79 1.87 6.91 22.13
Virginia 73.38 63.15 7.55 2.67 10.79 15.84
Washington 58.96 47.37 8.76 2.83 15.85 25.19
West Virginia 50.04 37.94 9.03 3.07 15.98 33.98
Wisconsin 64.30 50.64 10.09 3.57 13.66 22.04
Wyoming 59.53 49.55 5.67 4.31 16.55 23.92
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
New Jersey 69.67 57.54 9.59 2.54 12.35 17.98
New Mexico 42.31 33.79 5.03 3.49 22.67 35.03
New York 59.34 46.19 9.70 3.45 13.40 27.25
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Oklahoma 40.53 29.83 7.39 3.31 16.22 43.25

* Fewer than three institutions.
†† Results are not reported because the cohort includes both two-year and four-year enrollments.

Table 10. Six-Year Outcomes for Students Who Started at Two-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Subsequent Completion at a Four-Year Institution Total Four-Year Completion Rate Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Two-Year Four-Year
U.S. Overall 39.13 26.14 3.22 9.77 6.41 16.18 17.93 42.94
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
California 29.34 16.90 3.88 8.56 5.00 13.56 28.02 42.64
Colorado 38.59 25.46 3.37 9.76 5.03 14.79 16.41 45.00
Connecticut 32.71 23.97 2.01 6.73 4.71 11.44 17.47 49.82
Florida 52.27 41.80 1.81 8.65 8.99 17.64 12.88 34.85
Georgia 39.51 29.70 3.68 6.13 2.67 8.80 15.94 44.56
Hawaii 40.11 30.02 5.93 4.16 6.42 10.58 16.72 43.17
Idaho 38.48 29.04 1.99 7.45 7.29 14.74 14.87 46.66
Illinois 43.81 29.69 3.44 10.67 9.31 19.98 15.44 40.76
Indiana 22.45 13.22 0.82 8.40 1.05 9.45 19.85 57.70
Iowa 45.66 27.95 4.87 12.84 8.11 20.95 10.39 43.95
Kentucky 40.36 32.03 2.37 5.95 4.92 10.87 12.75 46.89
Maine 39.01 32.32 2.24 4.45 2.87 7.32 9.88 51.11
Maryland 38.36 24.86 1.73 11.77 7.82 19.59 19.11 42.53
Massachusetts 37.83 29.19 1.71 6.93 6.40 13.33 14.49 47.68
Michigan 35.87 24.55 2.14 9.18 4.83 14.01 19.62 44.51
Minnesota 54.18 36.13 5.70 12.35 6.82 19.17 11.82 34.01
Mississippi 46.01 34.19 3.61 8.21 8.05 16.26 12.18 41.81
Missouri 39.87 24.24 5.73 9.90 7.92 17.82 14.82 45.31
Nebraska 42.12 27.21 3.99 10.92 4.93 15.85 15.01 42.87
Nevada * * * * * * * *
New Jersey 37.67 27.96 1.70 8.01 11.39 19.40 15.68 46.65
New York 42.15 30.73 2.64 8.78 9.63 18.41 13.57 44.27
North Carolina 39.04 28.38 3.12 7.55 4.29 11.84 15.59 45.37
North Dakota 62.03 46.67 3.53 11.84 8.89 20.73 5.98 31.99
Ohio 34.69 23.20 1.61 9.88 3.69 13.57 16.07 49.25
Oregon 30.29 22.52 2.47 5.30 4.60 9.90 17.47 52.24
Pennsylvania 38.91 25.60 2.26 11.05 5.26 16.31 15.30 45.80
Rhode Island * * * * * * * *
South Carolina 37.19 22.30 2.36 12.53 2.18 14.71 16.96 45.85
Tennessee 40.83 27.63 2.14 11.05 7.06 18.11 13.35 45.83
Vermont 39.22 23.19 1.78 14.25 3.77 18.02 12.48 48.30
Virginia 45.93 29.66 2.26 14.02 8.73 22.75 15.89 38.18
Washington 42.69 31.69 3.53 7.47 9.39 16.86 14.61 42.70
Wisconsin 47.06 35.36 4.95 6.75 4.36 11.11 13.14 39.80
Wyoming 40.04 22.72 3.95 13.37 6.46 19.83 15.40 44.56
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Arkansas 37.97 27.72 2.52 7.73 4.40 12.13 13.68 48.35
Kansas 47.87 27.60 4.14 16.13 9.08 25.21 16.02 36.12
Montana 48.51 36.47 2.01 10.02 6.58 16.60 11.40 40.09
South Dakota 64.89 60.46 2.24 2.19 2.45 4.64 4.77 30.33
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Texas 38.77 19.39 3.31 16.08 4.57 20.65 20.41 40.82
Utah * * * * * * * *

* Fewer than three institutions.
For the proportions of in-state and out-of-state completions see Table 29.

Table 11. Six-Year Outcomes for Exclusively Full-Time Students Who Started at Two-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Subsequent Completion at a Four-Year Institution Total Four-Year Completion Rate Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Two-Year Four-Year
U.S. Overall 57.00 42.93 2.72 11.35 16.20 27.55 3.52 39.48
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
California 58.14 36.76 4.16 17.22 18.62 35.84 4.70 37.16
Colorado 52.53 40.65 2.50 9.39 10.99 20.38 3.47 44.00
Connecticut 44.09 31.30 1.09 11.70 12.93 24.63 2.52 53.39
Florida 71.90 62.96 1.71 7.23 24.27 31.50 1.69 26.41
Georgia 49.42 40.29 2.00 7.13 6.04 13.17 4.23 46.35
Hawaii 54.61 45.76 3.31 5.53 15.41 20.94 3.55 41.84
Idaho 55.93 47.20 1.69 7.05 15.69 22.74 4.33 39.74
Illinois 66.99 49.60 2.77 14.62 24.90 39.52 3.27 29.74
Indiana 30.66 7.67 1.04 21.95 3.68 25.63 6.89 62.45
Iowa 57.90 43.99 4.82 9.10 16.54 25.64 2.09 40.01
Kentucky 56.24 48.24 1.60 6.40 11.26 17.66 2.97 40.80
Maine 48.29 41.69 2.10 4.51 6.32 10.83 2.33 49.38
Maryland 53.88 32.70 1.28 19.90 18.65 38.55 4.27 41.85
Massachusetts 50.15 38.12 0.87 11.16 14.72 25.88 2.98 46.87
Michigan 54.22 38.38 1.86 13.98 14.98 28.96 4.08 41.70
Minnesota 71.25 57.23 4.41 9.61 13.79 23.40 1.49 27.26
Mississippi 68.61 54.43 3.10 11.08 15.99 27.07 3.57 27.82
Missouri 55.88 40.49 4.76 10.63 17.99 28.62 3.24 40.88
Nebraska 56.63 45.52 4.22 6.89 9.14 16.03 3.08 40.29
Nevada * * * * * * * *
New Jersey 51.90 40.32 1.15 10.44 25.96 36.40 3.74 44.36
New York 54.79 42.11 2.54 10.15 19.32 29.47 3.87 41.34
North Carolina 55.33 44.50 2.31 8.51 9.21 17.72 3.84 40.83
North Dakota 77.09 70.07 1.13 5.89 13.85 19.74 0.81 22.10
Ohio 44.63 31.81 1.15 11.66 9.08 20.74 3.33 52.04
Oregon 40.46 34.48 2.03 3.95 11.57 15.52 4.12 55.42
Pennsylvania 51.65 33.19 1.93 16.53 10.80 27.33 3.29 45.05
Rhode Island * * * * * * * *
South Carolina 51.02 31.92 1.81 17.29 5.04 22.33 4.77 44.22
Tennessee 62.35 46.36 1.56 14.44 19.52 33.96 3.40 34.25
Vermont 42.66 25.58 0.00 17.08 12.40 29.48 5.57 51.77
Virginia 64.73 49.13 1.36 14.24 23.77 38.01 2.96 32.30
Washington 55.81 47.71 2.35 5.75 17.72 23.47 3.55 40.64
Wisconsin 64.56 51.47 4.77 8.32 8.99 17.31 3.37 32.08
Wyoming 51.86 34.86 3.50 13.49 12.06 25.55 4.29 43.85
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Arkansas 49.69 43.50 1.95 4.25 9.65 13.90 3.11 47.20
Kansas 62.13 47.31 3.28 11.54 20.93 32.47 3.98 33.89
Montana 58.88 48.34 1.19 9.36 11.37 20.73 3.92 37.20
South Dakota 75.13 72.61 1.68 0.84 2.50 3.34 0.86 24.02
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Texas 50.53 35.28 3.01 12.24 12.45 24.69 3.51 45.97
Utah * * * * * * * *

* Fewer than three institutions.

Table 12. Six-Year Outcomes for Exclusively Part-Time Students Who Started at Two-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Subsequent Completion at a Four-Year Institution Total Four-Year Completion Rate Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Two-Year Four-Year
U.S. Overall 18.79 16.50 1.44 0.85 1.47 2.32 10.93 70.28
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
California 10.31 8.64 1.34 0.33 1.03 1.36 14.35 75.34
Colorado 24.73 22.82 1.54 0.37 1.42 1.79 8.36 66.91
Connecticut 18.26 16.06 1.45 0.76 0.88 1.64 15.25 66.48
Florida 26.79 24.20 0.85 1.74 2.14 3.88 10.47 62.74
Georgia 35.50 32.20 2.78 0.53 1.01 1.54 7.20 57.30
Hawaii 16.64 13.40 3.01 0.23 1.60 1.83 10.26 73.10
Idaho 11.34 9.44 1.43 0.47 1.90 2.37 7.09 81.56
Illinois 19.39 16.99 1.60 0.80 1.09 1.89 9.84 70.76
Indiana 9.49 7.01 0.37 2.12 0.74 2.86 12.51 78.00
Iowa 19.90 15.75 3.04 1.11 3.02 4.13 8.02 72.08
Kentucky 29.61 28.10 0.86 0.65 1.48 2.13 8.38 62.01
Maine 21.80 21.45 0.35 0.00 1.38 1.38 7.62 70.58
Maryland 13.74 11.41 0.56 1.76 1.03 2.79 13.36 72.90
Massachusetts 22.52 21.28 0.72 0.51 1.78 2.29 10.56 66.92
Michigan 18.11 16.28 1.02 0.81 1.20 2.01 11.21 70.68
Minnesota 32.35 28.30 2.68 1.37 2.90 1.37 9.51 58.14
Mississippi 12.74 10.02 1.47 1.25 1.05 2.30 7.55 79.71
Missouri 14.39 10.65 1.48 2.26 0.90 3.16 9.74 75.87
Nebraska 17.96 14.43 2.51 1.02 3.08 4.10 8.78 73.27
Nevada * * * * * * * *
New Jersey 14.76 12.78 1.42 0.55 1.33 1.88 10.84 74.41
New York 23.19 21.29 0.69 1.21 1.47 2.68 8.70 68.11
North Carolina 19.91 18.52 0.66 0.74 1.35 2.09 8.61 71.48
North Dakota ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Ohio 18.94 17.84 0.48 0.61 1.21 1.82 10.73 70.33
Oregon 9.22 7.79 0.83 0.61 0.67 1.28 9.38 81.40
Pennsylvania 19.45 17.89 0.78 0.78 1.24 2.02 10.10 70.44
Rhode Island * * * * * * * *
South Carolina 20.53 19.20 0.81 0.52 1.18 1.70 8.40 71.07
Tennessee 19.76 17.50 1.08 1.18 1.02 2.20 6.95 73.29
Vermont 25.13 24.18 0.48 0.47 1.40 1.87 9.30 65.57
Virginia 21.73 19.13 1.21 1.40 2.06 3.46 10.53 67.73
Washington 14.09 11.73 1.83 0.53 1.67 2.20 7.68 78.23
Wisconsin 31.16 28.55 1.67 0.94 1.34 2.28 9.45 59.38
Wyoming 14.99 13.66 1.33 0.00 1.76 1.76 9.71 75.30
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Arkansas 23.94 21.43 1.65 0.87 1.16 2.03 8.17 67.89
Kansas 24.01 20.76 2.68 0.57 1.83 2.40 8.92 67.07
Montana 21.08 14.05 4.69 2.34 0.00 2.34 5.85 73.07
South Dakota 32.29 32.29 0.00 0.00 1.90 1.90 11.46 56.25
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Texas 15.52 13.02 1.76 0.74 1.57 2.31 11.41 73.06
Utah * * * * * * * *

* Fewer than three institutions.
** Fewer than 50 students in subgroup.

Table 13. Six-Year Outcomes for Mixed Enrollment Students Who Started at Two-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Subsequent Completion at a Four-Year Institution Total Four-Year Completion Rate Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Two-Year Four-Year
U.S. Overall 35.89 21.81 3.62 10.46 3.79 14.25 23.75 40.35
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
California 27.18 14.79 4.15 8.23 3.33 11.56 33.54 39.28
Colorado 36.50 20.36 4.09 12.06 3.60 15.66 23.13 40.37
Connecticut 33.54 24.15 2.38 7.01 3.63 10.64 21.78 44.68
Florida 50.91 38.84 1.98 10.08 5.95 16.03 16.23 32.86
Georgia 36.55 25.66 4.38 6.51 1.70 8.21 21.21 42.23
Hawaii 38.85 27.29 7.27 4.30 4.14 8.44 22.16 38.98
Idaho 33.44 22.63 2.22 8.60 3.95 12.55 21.05 45.51
Illinois 38.97 24.24 3.97 10.75 4.75 15.50 20.89 40.14
Indiana 24.91 16.13 0.93 7.85 0.67 8.52 24.47 50.62
Iowa 40.90 19.74 5.08 16.08 3.67 19.75 15.44 43.66
Kentucky 36.33 26.51 2.98 6.84 3.13 9.97 17.42 46.25
Maine 36.79 28.93 2.61 5.24 1.14 6.38 14.72 48.49
Maryland 36.32 23.98 2.05 10.29 4.97 15.26 25.06 38.62
Massachusetts 36.46 27.61 2.18 6.68 4.40 11.08 19.18 44.35
Michigan 34.41 22.49 2.42 9.50 2.86 12.36 25.28 40.32
Minnesota 48.21 26.58 6.69 14.94 3.82 18.76 17.18 34.60
Mississippi 32.02 21.34 4.09 6.59 2.86 9.45 18.52 49.46
Missouri 36.87 19.63 6.66 10.57 4.87 15.44 20.08 43.05
Nebraska 38.12 20.05 4.07 14.00 3.16 17.16 21.40 40.47
Nevada * * * * * * * *
New Jersey 33.31 23.66 1.99 7.66 5.45 13.11 21.99 44.69
New York 35.40 24.15 2.84 8.41 4.03 12.44 20.04 44.56
North Carolina 35.12 23.30 3.76 8.06 2.73 10.79 21.15 43.74
North Dakota 44.48 18.96 5.86 19.66 3.08 22.74 12.50 43.02
Ohio 34.20 21.48 1.92 10.80 2.46 13.26 20.74 45.06
Oregon 30.49 21.45 2.79 6.25 3.36 9.61 21.88 47.64
Pennsylvania 36.33 23.42 2.65 10.26 3.40 13.66 21.60 42.07
Rhode Island * * * * * * * *
South Carolina 34.63 19.23 2.81 12.60 1.27 13.87 22.80 42.56
Tennessee 36.27 22.40 2.52 11.35 3.46 14.81 17.96 45.77
Vermont 45.79 22.05 3.08 20.65 2.28 22.93 16.58 37.64
Virginia 45.15 26.41 2.66 16.08 5.96 22.04 20.12 34.73
Washington 38.39 25.59 4.15 8.64 6.07 14.71 20.02 41.59
Wisconsin 38.79 26.17 5.73 6.89 1.94 8.83 20.34 40.87
Wyoming 34.33 14.92 4.59 14.83 2.90 17.73 24.14 41.53
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Arkansas 34.01 20.50 2.95 10.57 2.22 12.79 19.99 46.00
Kansas 42.95 17.83 4.77 20.36 3.56 23.92 23.28 33.77
Montana 43.32 29.40 2.36 11.56 3.42 14.98 18.35 38.32
South Dakota 46.23 36.82 3.83 5.58 2.44 8.02 12.74 41.04
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Texas 38.92 16.50 3.56 18.86 3.12 21.98 25.43 35.64
Utah * * * * * * * *

* Fewer than three institutions.

Table 14. Six-Year Outcomes for Students Age 20 or Younger at First Entry Who Started at Two-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Subsequent Completion at a Four-Year Institution Total Four-Year Completion Rate Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Two-Year Four-Year
U.S. Overall 41.23 25.76 3.47 12.00 7.59 19.59 19.64 39.12
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
California 31.41 17.36 4.21 9.84 5.81 15.65 30.77 37.82
Colorado 40.55 24.59 3.59 12.37 5.96 18.33 18.15 41.30
Connecticut 33.17 23.47 1.95 7.75 5.05 12.80 17.95 48.88
Florida 56.14 44.07 1.95 10.12 10.47 20.59 13.30 30.56
Georgia 37.02 23.28 4.53 9.21 3.34 12.55 19.18 43.80
Hawaii 39.85 29.72 6.21 3.93 6.50 10.43 17.86 42.28
Idaho 39.48 28.16 2.19 9.12 8.05 17.17 17.03 43.50
Illinois 46.68 30.56 3.47 12.66 11.25 23.91 16.38 36.94
Indiana 19.26 8.47 1.01 9.78 1.04 10.82 22.88 57.86
Iowa 48.99 28.00 5.38 15.61 9.38 24.99 10.80 40.21
Kentucky 41.21 31.11 2.52 7.58 5.68 13.26 14.09 44.69
Maine 37.36 30.72 2.29 4.35 3.19 7.54 10.32 52.32
Maryland 40.58 25.06 1.71 13.82 8.92 22.74 19.28 40.13
Massachusetts 37.86 28.04 1.68 8.14 7.37 15.51 15.35 46.80
Michigan 37.67 23.85 2.35 11.48 5.74 17.22 21.95 40.37
Minnesota 56.33 34.04 6.19 16.10 7.97 24.07 12.58 31.09
Mississippi 48.69 34.56 4.08 10.05 9.80 19.85 12.88 38.44
Missouri 41.95 24.16 6.03 11.76 9.44 21.20 15.54 42.51
Nebraska 45.36 27.87 4.54 12.96 5.24 18.20 16.08 38.56
Nevada * * * * * * * *
New Jersey 41.27 30.31 1.70 9.26 13.57 22.83 16.14 42.59
New York 44.80 31.12 3.03 10.65 10.84 21.49 14.45 40.75
North Carolina 39.28 25.84 3.41 10.02 5.23 15.25 17.62 43.11
North Dakota 64.56 46.97 2.97 14.62 10.12 24.74 6.41 29.03
Ohio 38.49 22.87 1.86 13.76 4.72 18.48 17.64 43.87
Oregon 30.35 21.38 2.62 6.35 5.49 11.84 20.60 49.05
Pennsylvania 39.52 23.69 2.36 13.47 5.81 19.28 15.74 44.74
Rhode Island * * * * * * * *
South Carolina 38.44 19.16 2.59 16.70 2.33 19.03 18.67 42.89
Tennessee 42.03 25.63 2.26 14.13 8.25 22.38 14.20 43.77
Vermont 36.55 17.97 1.57 17.01 3.13 20.14 14.07 49.38
Virginia 48.36 29.41 2.34 16.61 9.94 26.55 16.46 35.18
Washington 47.13 33.99 3.77 9.37 12.13 21.50 16.54 36.32
Wisconsin 47.84 32.52 6.48 8.84 5.48 14.32 14.63 37.53
Wyoming 43.10 23.05 4.22 15.83 7.27 23.10 16.81 40.09
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Arkansas 40.54 26.34 2.77 11.42 5.75 17.17 15.89 43.57
Kansas 50.69 27.03 4.29 19.37 10.65 30.02 16.42 32.90
Montana 48.34 34.77 1.87 11.70 7.92 19.62 12.86 38.80
South Dakota 68.34 63.13 2.84 2.37 2.44 4.81 4.79 26.87
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Texas 41.20 17.91 3.34 19.95 4.94 24.89 22.15 36.66
Utah * * * * * * * *

* Fewer than three institutions.

Table 15. Six-Year Outcomes for Students Over Age 20 Through Age 24 at First Entry Who Started at Two-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Subsequent Completion at a Four-Year Institution Total Four-Year Completion Rate Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Two-Year Four-Year
U.S. Overall 27.76 20.01 2.87 4.87 3.30 8.17 17.33 54.91
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
California 21.83 12.17 3.53 6.12 2.83 8.95 24.06 54.11
Colorado 29.86 20.52 3.56 5.79 2.52 8.31 17.24 52.91
Connecticut 24.01 19.00 1.37 3.65 4.99 8.64 16.64 59.34
Florida 33.87 28.27 1.57 4.08 3.92 8.00 14.72 51.41
Georgia 30.73 24.43 3.35 2.94 1.68 4.62 17.05 52.22
Hawaii 37.06 26.00 5.86 5.20 5.21 10.41 12.28 50.66
Idaho 28.61 22.46 0.93 5.22 2.12 7.34 20.00 51.39
Illinois 29.14 20.58 3.56 5.00 3.36 8.36 15.65 55.21
Indiana 19.60 11.55 0.45 7.59 0.68 8.27 19.71 60.69
Iowa 28.08 21.62 2.77 3.69 3.90 7.59 10.21 61.71
Kentucky 27.03 22.62 1.46 2.96 2.91 5.87 14.46 58.50
Maine 30.80 23.45 1.60 5.76 2.55 8.31 12.40 56.80
Maryland 28.71 20.73 1.36 6.62 6.16 12.78 20.82 50.46
Massachusetts 29.86 22.67 2.30 4.89 4.09 8.98 15.85 54.29
Michigan 23.30 16.80 2.01 4.50 2.09 6.59 18.31 58.40
Minnesota 42.02 32.60 5.11 4.31 3.52 7.83 12.63 45.34
Mississippi 31.21 25.02 3.23 2.95 2.55 5.50 12.18 56.61
Missouri 25.99 16.71 4.48 4.80 3.57 8.37 16.11 57.90
Nebraska 29.42 22.78 1.70 4.93 3.06 7.99 15.65 54.93
Nevada * * * * * * * *
New Jersey 24.66 17.50 2.10 5.06 5.28 10.34 17.01 58.33
New York 30.16 23.28 2.04 4.84 5.11 9.95 15.48 54.36
North Carolina 28.86 22.25 3.09 3.52 2.68 6.20 16.04 55.10
North Dakota 46.97 34.95 7.40 4.62 6.30 10.92 6.42 46.61
Ohio 19.71 14.55 1.09 4.07 1.22 5.29 16.31 63.97
Oregon 22.21 16.64 2.63 2.95 2.83 5.78 18.36 59.42
Pennsylvania 30.11 21.98 2.15 5.98 3.96 9.94 15.91 53.98
Rhode Island * * * * * * * *
South Carolina 21.78 16.33 2.33 3.12 1.17 4.29 16.73 61.49
Tennessee 28.41 21.68 2.08 4.65 3.39 8.04 14.97 56.63
Vermont 31.20 18.52 1.03 11.65 5.14 16.79 15.47 53.34
Virginia 31.65 23.53 2.27 5.86 4.10 9.96 17.73 50.62
Washington 29.24 20.65 4.11 4.49 2.08 6.57 15.95 54.81
Wisconsin 36.81 30.25 3.35 3.21 4.53 7.74 15.59 47.60
Wyoming 27.48 18.12 2.45 6.91 1.05 7.96 9.24 63.28
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Arkansas 26.43 21.78 2.2 2.44 1.35 3.79 16.24 57.33
Kansas 32.26 22.87 4.27 5.12 4.40 9.52 15.60 52.14
Montana 38.63 30.31 1.44 6.87 2.17 9.04 13.85 47.52
South Dakota 46.72 42.74 1.69 2.28 0.56 2.84 3.96 49.33
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Texas 26.11 16.99 3.14 5.98 2.71 8.69 19.22 54.67
Utah * * * * * * * *

* Fewer than three institutions.

Table 16. Six-Year Outcomes for Students Over Age 24 at First Entry Who Started at Two-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Subsequent Completion at a Four-Year Institution Total Four-Year Completion Rate Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Two-Year Four-Year
U.S. Overall 37.01 30.18 2.51 4.32 3.56 7.88 12.56 50.42
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
California 23.09 16.41 2.56 4.11 2.13 6.24 18.24 58.67
Colorado 37.10 29.89 2.69 4.52 3.64 8.16 11.41 51.49
Connecticut 35.86 28.52 2.57 4.77 3.38 8.15 16.18 47.96
Florida 42.81 37.79 1.25 3.77 4.28 8.05 9.72 47.47
Georgia 47.21 42.03 2.48 2.69 2.06 4.75 10.39 42.40
Hawaii 42.59 33.10 4.77 4.71 6.60 11.31 13.68 43.73
Idaho 39.63 34.78 1.80 3.05 7.03 10.08 5.91 54.46
Illinois 37.96 30.02 3.30 4.64 3.57 8.21 11.30 50.74
Indiana 28.78 21.35 0.73 6.70 1.26 7.96 15.27 55.95
Iowa 37.82 30.52 3.42 3.88 4.00 7.88 8.58 53.61
Kentucky 43.25 37.67 2.36 3.22 3.88 7.10 8.96 47.79
Maine 48.12 41.61 2.42 4.09 2.09 6.18 7.31 44.57
Maryland 33.13 25.94 2.00 5.19 3.76 8.95 17.58 49.29
Massachusetts 42.16 36.53 1.49 4.14 4.50 8.64 11.06 46.78
Michigan 34.82 29.63 1.54 3.65 2.99 6.64 12.74 52.44
Minnesota 53.37 45.16 4.33 3.88 4.61 8.49 8.79 37.84
Mississippi 44.47 37.97 2.09 4.41 4.74 9.15 9.65 45.88
Missouri 38.20 27.36 5.21 5.62 4.52 10.14 11.94 49.86
Nebraska 36.67 26.90 3.14 6.64 4.69 11.33 11.24 52.09
Nevada * * * * * * * *
New Jersey 27.96 22.77 1.41 3.79 4.44 8.23 12.74 59.29
New York 41.87 36.11 1.61 4.16 5.90 10.06 11.89 46.23
North Carolina 41.69 36.45 2.41 2.82 2.54 5.36 10.55 47.76
North Dakota 59.40 52.30 3.78 3.32 4.82 8.14 3.75 36.85
Ohio 32.29 27.21 1.27 3.81 2.43 6.24 12.62 55.09
Oregon 32.70 26.31 2.16 4.23 3.63 7.86 11.84 55.45
Pennsylvania 41.02 33.22 2.03 5.77 4.10 9.87 13.81 45.18
Rhode Island * * * * * * * *
South Carolina 39.88 33.51 1.74 4.63 2.19 6.82 12.30 47.82
Tennessee 42.36 35.31 1.83 5.22 5.26 10.48 10.42 47.22
Vermont 46.14 32.62 2.36 11.16 4.22 15.38 9.03 44.83
Virginia 41.25 33.59 1.84 5.81 4.72 10.53 12.43 46.33
Washington 35.48 29.46 2.69 3.32 3.79 7.11 8.87 55.65
Wisconsin 49.26 43.29 2.32 3.66 2.85 6.51 9.10 41.64
Wyoming 32.03 23.27 3.44 5.32 3.54 8.86 11.95 56.02
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Arkansas 37.28 30.68 2.56 4.04 2.99 7.03 11.48 51.24
Kansas 42.26 33.12 3.32 5.82 3.77 9.59 14.57 43.17
Montana 52.53 42.43 2.53 7.57 5.34 12.91 7.35 40.12
South Dakota 67.56 65.14 0.79 1.64 3.88 5.52 5.45 26.99
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Texas 35.68 26.15 3.29 6.25 4.07 10.32 14.37 49.95
Utah * * * * * * * *

* Fewer than three institutions.

Table 17. Six-Year Outcomes of Women Who Started at Two-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Subsequent Completion at a Four-Year Institution Total Four-Year Completion Rate Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Two-Year Four-Year
U.S. Overall 42.62 28.28 3.73 10.61 7.38 18.00 18.55 38.83
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
California 32.50 19.01 4.69 8.80 5.89 14.69 28.24 39.27
Colorado 41.94 27.25 4.08 10.61 5.68 16.29 16.50 41.56
Connecticut 34.94 25.35 2.28 7.31 5.08 12.39 19.00 46.06
Florida 55.68 44.00 1.94 9.74 10.08 19.82 13.22 31.10
Georgia 41.28 30.19 4.29 6.80 3.00 9.80 18.40 40.32
Hawaii 43.90 31.87 6.89 5.14 7.72 12.86 18.50 37.60
Idaho 42.67 31.91 2.71 8.05 9.35 17.40 14.13 43.21
Illinois 47.44 32.42 4.14 10.88 10.64 21.52 15.94 36.62
Indiana 25.28 15.09 1.30 8.89 1.09 9.98 22.65 52.07
Iowa 50.29 29.69 5.61 14.99 9.01 24.00 11.47 38.24
Kentucky 42.51 33.85 2.46 6.19 5.64 11.83 13.27 44.23
Maine 41.46 34.14 2.37 4.95 3.27 8.22 11.92 46.62
Maryland 41.58 27.75 1.96 11.87 8.67 20.54 20.50 37.92
Massachusetts 40.50 31.12 2.13 7.24 6.70 13.94 15.96 43.54
Michigan 39.78 27.76 2.63 9.39 5.71 15.10 20.33 39.90
Minnesota 58.97 37.36 6.62 14.99 8.16 23.15 12.47 28.55
Mississippi 49.08 37.00 4.02 8.05 9.24 17.29 13.08 37.84
Missouri 43.46 26.95 6.20 10.31 8.99 19.30 15.10 41.44
Nebraska 43.74 25.74 4.84 13.16 6.26 19.42 17.25 39.01
Nevada * * * * * * * *
New Jersey 42.42 31.70 1.97 8.74 13.78 22.52 16.30 41.28
New York 46.65 33.63 3.17 9.85 11.15 21.00 14.07 39.28
North Carolina 40.15 28.54 3.58 8.03 4.58 12.61 17.88 41.98
North Dakota 61.64 43.01 3.98 14.65 10.61 25.26 8.19 30.18
Ohio 38.51 25.31 1.88 11.31 4.03 15.34 17.35 44.14
Oregon 34.52 25.75 2.80 5.98 5.74 11.72 17.98 47.50
Pennsylvania 41.87 27.42 2.84 11.62 5.66 17.28 16.40 41.73
Rhode Island * * * * * * * *
South Carolina 39.68 23.67 2.88 13.12 2.41 15.53 18.30 42.02
Tennessee 43.27 29.63 2.22 11.42 8.38 19.80 14.49 42.24
Vermont 42.33 27.02 1.22 14.09 4.88 18.97 12.67 45.00
Virginia 49.44 31.29 2.54 15.60 9.25 24.85 16.37 34.19
Washington 47.31 34.58 4.37 8.37 11.16 19.53 14.49 38.19
Wisconsin 49.70 35.63 5.93 8.14 5.06 13.20 14.87 35.43
Wyoming 43.85 23.42 4.13 16.29 7.61 23.90 14.90 41.26
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Arkansas 40.24 28.90 2.98 8.37 5.35 13.72 15.53 44.23
Kansas 53.19 30.17 4.92 18.10 10.08 28.18 16.70 30.11
Montana 49.46 36.04 2.33 11.10 8.01 19.11 11.61 38.93
South Dakota 67.74 61.91 2.47 3.36 4.08 7.44 7.45 24.82
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Texas 42.65 20.90 3.77 17.97 5.68 23.65 20.90 36.45
Utah * * * * * * * *

* Fewer than three institutions.

Table 18. Six-Year Outcomes of Men Who Started at Two-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Subsequent Completion at a Four-Year Institution Total Four-Year Completion Rate Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Two-Year Four-Year
U.S. Overall 36.41 24.46 2.75 9.19 5.60 14.80 17.87 45.73
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
California 26.48 14.99 3.24 8.24 4.11 12.35 28.75 44.77
Colorado 35.56 23.78 2.62 9.16 4.16 13.32 16.57 47.87
Connecticut 31.17 22.82 1.66 6.68 4.47 11.15 15.58 53.26
Florida 48.96 39.77 1.69 7.50 7.83 15.33 12.84 38.20
Georgia 39.00 30.19 3.18 5.63 2.37 8.00 14.19 46.81
Hawaii 40.64 31.53 5.30 3.81 6.31 10.12 19.25 40.10
Idaho 33.51 25.92 1.30 6.30 4.80 11.10 16.96 49.53
Illinois 41.55 27.91 2.70 10.94 8.54 19.48 15.53 42.92
Indiana 20.66 11.86 0.41 8.39 1.03 9.42 18.26 61.08
Iowa 41.80 26.26 4.27 11.27 7.30 18.57 10.01 48.18
Kentucky 37.47 29.58 2.25 5.63 3.96 9.59 12.06 50.47
Maine 37.58 31.48 2.19 3.91 2.68 6.59 8.42 54.00
Maryland 35.97 22.44 1.53 12.00 7.04 19.04 18.26 45.77
Massachusetts 35.78 27.66 1.29 6.83 6.42 13.25 13.18 51.04
Michigan 32.91 21.66 1.61 9.64 4.16 13.80 19.49 47.61
Minnesota 49.42 34.90 4.79 9.73 5.49 15.22 11.16 39.42
Mississippi 44.30 31.55 3.31 9.44 7.43 16.87 11.92 43.78
Missouri 36.88 21.94 5.16 9.78 7.14 16.92 15.14 47.97
Nebraska 40.37 29.06 3.24 8.06 3.84 11.90 13.70 45.93
Nevada * * * * * * * *
New Jersey 34.99 25.72 1.52 7.75 9.86 17.61 15.46 49.55
New York 38.73 28.18 2.25 8.30 8.56 16.86 13.19 48.08
North Carolina 38.29 28.59 2.77 6.94 4.06 11.00 13.59 48.12
North Dakota 63.51 50.32 3.32 9.87 7.45 17.32 4.03 32.46
Ohio 31.25 21.31 1.32 8.62 3.48 12.10 15.03 53.72
Oregon 26.66 19.76 1.99 4.90 3.67 8.57 17.38 55.96
Pennsylvania 36.45 23.87 1.70 10.88 5.00 15.88 14.59 48.96
Rhode Island * * * * * * * *
South Carolina 34.99 21.02 1.85 12.11 2.03 14.14 16.20 48.82
Tennessee 38.99 25.67 2.18 11.14 5.80 16.94 13.06 47.96
Vermont 33.08 15.63 2.88 14.57 1.60 16.17 12.10 54.82
Virginia 42.82 28.25 2.12 12.46 8.07 20.53 17.23 39.94
Washington 39.60 29.80 2.58 7.22 8.54 15.76 15.08 45.32
Wisconsin 45.46 35.53 4.24 5.69 4.15 9.84 12.10 42.45
Wyoming 36.77 22.34 3.69 10.74 5.76 16.50 17.16 46.07
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Arkansas 36.54 26.68 2.03 7.83 3.59 11.42 12.09 51.38
Kansas 43.17 25.35 3.39 14.43 8.55 22.98 16.14 40.69
Montana 47.63 36.39 1.70 9.54 4.98 14.52 11.73 40.64
South Dakota 63.21 59.83 1.84 1.54 1.36 2.90 3.44 33.34
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Texas 35.42 18.06 2.89 14.46 3.54 18.00 21.01 43.57
Utah * * * * * * * *

* Fewer than three institutions.

Table 19. Six-Year Outcomes for Students Who Started at Four-Year Private Nonprofit Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 73.57 59.82 11.16 2.59 9.26 17.17
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alaska * * * * * *
California 76.78 68.24 7.15 1.39 8.45 14.77
Connecticut 80.99 68.42 10.71 1.86 6.26 12.76
District of Columbia 84.72 75.02 8.84 0.85 5.64 9.65
Georgia 69.41 56.31 10.86 2.23 11.03 19.57
Idaho * * * * * *
Illinois 74.65 62.58 9.05 3.03 8.36 16.99
Iowa 73.36 58.15 10.88 4.33 7.37 19.27
Louisiana 77.38 66.04 9.80 1.53 8.14 14.48
Maine 75.53 66.47 7.92 1.13 6.18 18.30
Maryland 83.40 71.34 10.05 2.02 6.46 10.13
Massachusetts 80.13 69.83 9.20 1.10 6.45 13.42
Minnesota 79.72 61.11 15.85 2.76 7.60 12.68
Missouri 61.95 45.41 10.34 6.20 12.32 25.73
Nebraska 67.71 54.09 10.49 3.13 9.87 22.42
New Hampshire 74.88 61.19 11.59 2.09 7.22 17.90
New Jersey 73.04 59.14 11.63 2.26 8.62 18.34
New York 75.97 59.47 14.04 2.46 8.69 15.35
Ohio 69.70 53.98 13.45 2.27 9.36 20.94
Oregon 81.60 69.49 10.23 1.88 6.40 12.01
Pennsylvania 78.40 66.11 10.44 1.85 7.08 14.53
Rhode Island 85.29 78.16 6.71 0.42 2.97 11.74
Utah * * * * * *
Vermont 70.83 56.75 11.56 2.52 7.76 21.42
Virginia 66.02 53.40 9.56 3.05 11.32 22.66
Washington 83.29 73.21 8.17 1.91 6.45 10.26
Wisconsin 68.81 53.51 11.98 3.33 11.53 19.65
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Alabama 51.11 38.01 10.76 2.34 17.47 31.42
Arkansas 66.67 54.89 9.28 2.50 10.79 22.54
Colorado 68.12 50.69 14.29 3.14 11.71 20.17
Delaware 45.51 31.36 8.06 6.09 17.51 36.98
Indiana 74.94 62.64 10.89 1.41 7.05 18.01
Kentucky 64.54 40.62 19.59 4.33 13.11 22.34
North Carolina 71.97 58.88 9.96 3.13 8.86 19.17
North Dakota 67.14 48.15 16.86 2.13 8.89 23.97
South Carolina 62.19 48.85 10.62 2.72 11.45 26.36
Tennessee 69.95 55.27 12.02 2.66 10.59 19.46
Texas 72.51 58.30 11.26 2.95 10.52 16.97
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Arizona * * * * * *
Florida 70.26 54.65 13.36 2.24 9.40 20.35
Montana 64.96 45.92 16.11 2.93 14.80 20.24
New Mexico * * * * * *
South Dakota 69.96 42.05 23.99 3.92 10.48 19.56

* Fewer than three institutions.
For the proportions of in-state and out-of-state completions see Table 30.

Table 20. Six-Year Outcomes for Exclusively Full-Time Students Who Started at Four-Year Private Nonprofit Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 86.65 76.59 8.75 1.31 2.44 10.91
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alaska * * * * * *
California 86.95 80.60 5.60 0.75 2.40 10.65
Connecticut 90.23 80.44 8.98 0.81 1.58 8.20
District of Columbia 93.88 85.67 7.75 0.46 1.34 4.78
Georgia 82.80 72.53 9.20 1.07 3.41 13.79
Idaho * * * * * *
Illinois 86.56 76.67 8.28 1.61 2.13 11.31
Iowa 86.36 73.95 9.41 3.00 1.63 12.01
Louisiana 90.66 82.63 7.35 0.69 2.10 7.24
Maine 88.12 81.31 6.37 0.44 1.25 10.63
Maryland 93.21 83.54 8.72 0.94 1.51 5.29
Massachusetts 91.12 82.89 7.79 0.44 1.56 7.32
Minnesota 90.41 80.22 8.69 1.51 1.25 8.34
Missouri 82.13 72.13 7.91 2.09 2.82 15.06
Nebraska 80.16 70.45 7.69 2.02 2.45 17.40
New Hampshire 88.92 77.85 10.36 0.72 1.22 9.86
New Jersey 87.80 74.59 11.95 1.25 2.00 10.20
New York 87.06 75.72 10.06 1.27 2.25 10.69
Ohio 84.51 74.58 8.97 0.95 1.97 13.52
Oregon 92.00 84.18 6.70 1.12 0.64 7.36
Pennsylvania 88.54 79.07 8.56 0.91 1.97 9.49
Rhode Island 91.36 85.77 5.47 0.12 0.69 7.95
Utah * * * * * *
Vermont 83.48 72.42 10.17 0.89 2.11 14.41
Virginia 81.83 70.54 9.82 1.46 2.74 15.44
Washington 93.01 86.42 5.85 0.74 1.24 5.75
Wisconsin 83.29 71.98 9.44 1.88 3.20 13.50
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Alabama 65.28 53.79 10.45 1.04 8.23 26.50
Arkansas 82.61 73.25 7.81 1.55 3.23 14.16
Colorado 87.20 76.40 9.24 1.56 1.66 11.14
Delaware 58.96 42.79 12.27 3.90 5.51 35.53
Indiana 86.18 77.94 7.52 0.72 1.80 12.02
Kentucky 81.24 68.28 11.25 1.71 2.54 16.22
North Carolina 85.59 75.03 9.14 1.42 2.40 12.01
North Dakota 80.65 66.04 13.73 0.88 2.84 16.52
South Carolina 75.83 65.00 9.07 1.76 3.77 20.40
Tennessee 83.41 72.87 9.26 1.27 3.12 13.47
Texas 87.95 77.91 8.78 1.26 2.31 9.74
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Arizona * * * * * *
Florida 84.71 72.20 11.09 1.42 2.61 12.68
Montana 81.41 68.46 11.30 1.66 3.09 15.50
New Mexico * * * * * *
South Dakota 83.59 65.90 13.82 3.87 1.57 14.84

* Fewer than three institutions.

Table 21. Six-Year Outcomes for Exclusively Part-Time Students Who Started at Four-Year Private Nonprofit Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 33.31 26.95 2.39 3.98 8.36 58.33
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alaska * * * * * *
California 44.94 35.64 5.41 3.89 7.48 47.58
Connecticut 44.77 41.65 2.50 0.62 11.83 43.41
District of Columbia 48.10 45.47 2.63 0.00 3.36 48.54
Georgia 28.21 16.54 2.56 9.11 10.88 60.92
Idaho * * * * * *
Illinois 40.32 37.60 1.39 1.33 9.22 50.45
Iowa 28.71 25.30 1.70 1.72 9.56 61.72
Louisiana 36.87 36.87 0.00 0.00 5.33 57.80
Maine 11.29 10.53 0.75 0.00 9.03 79.68
Maryland 44.22 41.16 2.68 0.38 10.30 45.48
Massachusetts 34.10 31.91 1.89 0.30 11.02 54.87
Minnesota 35.23 29.88 2.27 3.08 6.16 58.61
Missouri 34.14 16.73 2.55 14.86 7.93 57.93
Nebraska 17.24 9.44 1.90 5.90 9.46 73.31
New Hampshire 31.79 30.38 0.96 0.45 8.94 59.26
New Jersey 42.15 39.61 2.54 0.00 5.70 52.15
New York 36.95 33.53 3.05 0.38 6.75 56.30
Ohio 19.77 17.70 1.22 0.85 10.31 69.92
Oregon 56.33 53.00 0.83 2.49 4.98 38.70
Pennsylvania 32.74 31.15 1.40 0.20 9.63 57.63
Rhode Island 31.43 28.57 1.43 1.43 11.43 57.14
Utah * * * * * *
Vermont 37.76 34.85 2.91 0.00 13.07 49.17
Virginia 27.29 23.14 2.46 1.69 11.07 61.64
Washington 22.00 17.57 1.56 2.87 2.70 75.30
Wisconsin 23.30 17.51 2.35 3.45 13.79 62.91
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Alabama 15.43 13.80 0.81 0.81 5.74 78.84
Arkansas 5.75 3.22 1.73 0.81 6.49 87.75
Colorado 30.50 13.99 0.92 15.58 8.41 61.09
Delaware 37.17 23.33 1.17 12.67 8.18 54.64
Indiana 22.75 19.44 2.49 0.83 9.24 68.01
Kentucky 14.95 6.96 3.64 4.35 7.85 77.20
North Carolina 25.73 14.21 0.73 10.79 9.22 65.05
North Dakota ** ** ** ** ** **
South Carolina 15.13 13.87 1.26 0.00 11.68 73.19
Tennessee 28.05 27.18 0.29 0.58 7.27 64.68
Texas 37.53 24.10 1.39 12.03 7.74 54.73
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Arizona * * * * * *
Florida 23.45 18.34 4.25 0.86 8.26 68.29
Montana ** ** ** ** ** **
New Mexico * * * * * *
South Dakota 30.85 25.71 1.62 3.51 4.86 64.29

* Fewer than three institutions.
** Fewer than 50 students in subgroup.

Table 22. Six-Year Outcomes for Mixed Enrollment Students Who Started at Four-Year Private Nonprofit Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 53.19 31.59 16.72 4.88 22.36 24.45
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alaska * * * * * *
California 58.20 45.28 10.40 2.53 20.78 21.01
Connecticut 50.50 26.82 17.85 5.84 22.93 26.57
District of Columbia 66.67 51.85 12.78 2.04 17.42 15.91
Georgia 53.61 36.79 13.34 3.47 20.93 25.47
Idaho * * * * * *
Illinois 55.15 37.91 11.32 5.92 20.32 24.53
Iowa 51.31 29.66 14.50 7.15 18.50 30.19
Louisiana 50.95 30.09 17.08 3.78 23.12 25.93
Maine 43.13 23.98 15.22 3.92 23.74 33.13
Maryland 55.58 33.01 16.32 6.25 23.70 20.73
Massachusetts 52.49 34.03 15.06 3.40 21.57 25.95
Minnesota 63.54 29.05 29.53 4.95 19.03 17.44
Missouri 49.42 26.74 14.64 8.03 22.61 27.98
Nebraska 46.51 24.03 17.27 5.20 25.53 27.96
New Hampshire 53.22 31.93 16.03 5.26 19.43 27.35
New Jersey 46.23 28.61 12.68 4.94 23.90 29.87
New York 57.82 29.86 22.97 5.00 21.61 20.57
Ohio 50.05 23.36 22.08 4.61 21.54 28.41
Oregon 62.09 40.00 18.66 3.43 18.75 19.16
Pennsylvania 56.41 34.88 16.87 4.66 20.89 22.70
Rhode Island 65.39 52.04 11.83 1.52 11.22 23.39
Utah * * * * * *
Vermont 42.12 19.37 15.88 6.86 21.48 36.40
Virginia 48.88 33.64 9.95 5.29 22.82 28.30
Washington 61.73 42.59 14.33 4.81 19.76 18.51
Wisconsin 46.87 22.85 17.94 6.07 27.03 26.10
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Alabama 37.27 21.70 11.67 3.90 28.53 34.20
Arkansas 43.28 24.76 13.70 4.82 27.63 29.09
Colorado 56.71 32.43 22.11 2.17 22.50 20.79
Delaware 40.48 27.30 7.47 5.71 25.84 33.68
Indiana 54.06 31.01 19.91 3.13 19.69 26.26
Kentucky 50.82 15.78 28.22 6.82 23.36 25.82
North Carolina 45.29 26.54 12.41 6.34 23.04 31.67
North Dakota 47.45 20.50 22.62 4.33 19.05 33.50
South Carolina 38.81 20.30 13.88 4.63 25.73 35.47
Tennessee 52.25 29.79 17.42 5.04 22.74 25.01
Texas 55.26 35.31 15.67 4.28 21.98 22.75
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Arizona * * * * * *
Florida 51.34 29.20 18.38 3.76 21.16 27.50
Montana 47.89 20.29 22.88 4.72 29.43 22.67
New Mexico * * * * * *
South Dakota 63.64 26.09 33.54 4.01 17.58 18.78

* Fewer than three institutions.

Table 23. Six-Year Outcomes for Students Age 20 or Younger at First Entry Who Started at Four-Year Private Nonprofit Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 76.65 61.74 12.28 2.63 9.17 14.18
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alaska * * * * * *
California 79.06 69.94 7.63 1.49 8.39 12.56
Connecticut 81.92 68.64 11.32 1.97 6.20 11.88
District of Columbia 86.78 76.36 9.46 0.96 5.60 7.62
Georgia 71.33 57.24 11.60 2.48 11.21 17.46
Idaho * * * * * *
Illinois 76.83 63.54 10.01 3.29 8.40 14.77
Iowa 76.39 59.93 11.75 4.72 6.86 16.75
Louisiana 80.06 68.10 10.44 1.52 7.96 11.98
Maine 78.96 69.29 8.54 1.13 6.15 14.90
Maryland 86.37 73.36 10.77 2.24 6.07 7.56
Massachusetts 83.43 72.24 9.96 1.23 5.87 10.70
Minnesota 81.68 62.02 16.78 2.88 7.55 10.77
Missouri 70.93 52.79 13.82 4.32 11.12 17.95
Nebraska 76.25 60.88 12.77 2.59 9.91 13.85
New Hampshire 79.59 64.02 13.12 2.45 6.48 13.93
New Jersey 75.75 59.63 13.44 2.68 9.16 15.09
New York 78.32 60.09 15.43 2.79 8.96 12.73
Ohio 73.24 56.06 14.81 2.37 9.09 17.67
Oregon 82.80 69.91 10.95 1.93 6.42 10.78
Pennsylvania 81.07 67.87 11.23 1.97 6.85 12.08
Rhode Island 88.12 80.31 7.36 0.46 2.78 9.10
Utah * * * * * *
Vermont 73.21 58.51 11.77 2.93 8.03 18.76
Virginia 70.59 55.91 11.29 3.39 10.92 18.49
Washington 84.60 73.78 8.80 2.01 6.63 8.77
Wisconsin 72.79 55.99 13.22 3.58 11.07 16.15
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Alabama 52.15 37.65 12.01 2.49 18.35 29.51
Arkansas 70.30 57.61 10.10 2.59 11.58 18.11
Colorado 76.49 55.44 19.31 1.73 11.20 12.31
Delaware 42.41 26.04 11.57 4.80 18.86 38.73
Indiana 78.83 64.56 12.78 1.49 6.99 14.18
Kentucky 66.72 40.55 21.50 4.67 13.29 19.99
North Carolina 74.69 61.09 10.67 2.92 8.38 16.94
North Dakota 70.34 49.31 18.50 2.53 8.79 20.87
South Carolina 64.33 49.92 11.40 3.01 11.22 24.46
Tennessee 73.07 56.90 13.21 2.96 10.36 16.57
Texas 74.52 59.56 12.39 2.57 10.62 14.86
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Arizona * * * * * *
Florida 75.70 57.75 15.35 2.59 9.27 15.03
Montana 68.33 47.88 17.18 3.27 13.98 17.68
New Mexico * * * * * *
South Dakota 73.14 42.61 26.42 4.11 10.90 15.95

* Fewer than three institutions.

Table 24. Six-Year Outcomes for Students Over Age 20 Through Age 24 at First Entry Who Started at Four-Year Private Nonprofit Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 61.83 52.12 6.82 2.89 10.03 28.14
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alaska * * * * * *
California 75.29 70.73 3.98 0.58 7.23 17.48
Connecticut 78.21 71.22 6.00 1.00 3.99 17.80
District of Columbia 82.47 76.61 5.22 0.65 4.88 12.65
Georgia 55.21 47.92 6.73 0.56 11.67 33.11
Idaho * * * * * *
Illinois 63.78 58.10 3.83 1.84 7.69 28.53
Iowa 58.61 45.00 10.23 3.38 9.57 31.82
Louisiana 44.31 38.45 4.29 1.57 10.19 45.51
Maine 71.97 65.87 3.66 2.44 2.44 25.59
Maryland 80.08 70.57 8.26 1.25 8.13 11.79
Massachusetts 68.99 62.61 5.72 0.66 8.24 22.76
Minnesota 64.11 51.89 10.71 1.52 7.60 28.28
Missouri 45.91 26.46 6.64 12.81 19.93 34.16
Nebraska 44.08 30.83 4.88 8.37 17.23 38.69
New Hampshire 55.48 43.26 11.62 0.61 12.40 32.12
New Jersey 71.59 63.98 6.04 1.56 7.94 20.48
New York 69.30 60.52 8.01 0.77 6.58 24.12
Ohio 52.62 47.45 3.81 1.35 9.44 37.95
Oregon 72.20 64.76 5.58 1.85 9.40 18.40
Pennsylvania 67.29 60.43 5.73 1.13 6.46 26.25
Rhode Island 67.26 64.94 1.94 0.39 2.72 30.01
Utah * * * * * *
Vermont 55.76 29.89 25.87 0.00 6.86 37.38
Virginia 52.12 41.66 7.01 3.45 11.62 36.25
Washington 63.87 57.98 3.37 2.53 8.54 27.59
Wisconsin 40.80 35.61 3.65 1.53 13.32 45.88
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Alabama 34.60 28.44 3.95 2.20 13.61 51.80
Arkansas 71.66 61.61 7.30 2.74 4.58 23.77
Colorado 64.67 49.43 8.15 7.09 14.47 20.86
Delaware 41.05 28.66 1.72 10.66 21.43 37.52
Indiana 64.03 54.52 7.48 2.03 5.35 30.62
Kentucky 46.74 34.05 10.07 2.62 9.87 43.39
North Carolina 47.97 32.43 8.88 6.67 15.82 36.21
North Dakota ** ** ** ** ** **
South Carolina 39.26 32.69 6.57 0.00 13.84 46.90
Tennessee 53.37 44.53 7.79 1.05 12.31 34.31
Texas 62.62 50.35 7.08 5.19 9.79 27.59
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Arizona * * * * * *
Florida 60.76 49.21 10.34 1.20 10.89 28.35
Montana ** ** ** ** ** **
New Mexico * * * * * *
South Dakota ** ** ** ** ** **

* Fewer than three institutions.
** Fewer than 50 students in subgroup.

Table 25. Six-Year Outcomes for Students Over Age 24 at First Entry Who Started at Four-Year Private Nonprofit Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 55.30 48.59 4.44 2.26 9.75 34.94
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alaska * * * * * *
California 60.89 55.10 4.84 0.95 9.42 29.69
Connecticut 66.68 63.46 2.76 0.46 8.29 25.03
District of Columbia 71.21 65.98 5.23 0.00 6.41 22.38
Georgia 59.17 51.89 6.47 0.81 9.40 31.43
Idaho * * * * * *
Illinois 60.38 56.44 2.71 1.24 8.46 31.16
Iowa 48.15 44.75 2.60 0.81 11.87 39.98
Louisiana 58.53 52.22 4.63 1.67 9.50 31.97
Maine 41.81 37.97 3.08 0.77 7.67 50.52
Maryland 62.47 56.78 5.15 0.54 9.05 28.48
Massachusetts 60.85 55.53 4.96 0.36 10.11 29.04
Minnesota 59.05 52.57 4.85 1.63 8.42 32.53
Missouri 48.37 35.60 4.49 8.28 12.93 38.71
Nebraska 42.71 34.86 3.71 4.14 8.67 48.62
New Hampshire 54.06 50.51 3.05 0.50 10.02 35.92
New Jersey 59.96 55.82 3.88 0.26 6.14 33.89
New York 59.95 54.31 5.20 0.45 7.38 32.67
Ohio 41.71 36.45 3.60 1.65 12.16 46.13
Oregon 71.61 66.45 3.87 1.28 5.14 23.25
Pennsylvania 51.73 48.01 3.01 0.71 9.88 38.40
Rhode Island 61.60 59.88 1.72 0.00 5.73 32.66
Utah * * * * * *
Vermont 56.65 53.78 2.86 0.00 5.71 37.65
Virginia 49.29 45.17 2.66 1.46 13.02 37.69
Washington 73.42 70.90 1.97 0.55 3.69 22.88
Wisconsin 42.01 36.84 3.48 1.69 14.92 43.07
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Alabama 49.23 44.27 3.71 1.25 12.28 38.49
Arkansas 34.33 29.35 3.31 1.68 7.06 58.61
Colorado 47.81 39.11 2.57 6.13 12.66 39.52
Delaware 54.67 44.96 3.54 6.16 12.80 32.53
Indiana 57.84 54.76 2.22 0.86 7.71 34.46
Kentucky 49.10 43.29 4.19 1.62 12.44 38.45
North Carolina 55.28 48.00 3.48 3.79 10.95 33.78
North Dakota 55.71 49.11 6.60 0.00 6.31 37.98
South Carolina 45.72 43.17 2.27 0.28 13.47 40.80
Tennessee 51.27 47.05 3.52 0.70 12.62 36.11
Texas 59.96 51.26 3.22 5.48 9.24 30.80
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Arizona * * * * * *
Florida 49.60 42.92 5.67 1.01 9.59 40.81
Montana 32.54 24.09 8.46 0.00 22.64 44.82
New Mexico * * * * * *
South Dakota 43.37 39.48 1.95 1.94 7.88 48.75

* Fewer than three institutions.

Table 26. Six-Year Outcomes of Women Who Started at Four-Year Private Nonprofit Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 76.86 61.85 12.31 2.70 8.30 14.84
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alaska * * * * * *
California 78.12 68.24 8.44 1.44 8.15 13.73
Connecticut 83.64 69.33 12.30 2.01 5.71 10.65
District of Columbia 86.01 75.14 10.04 0.83 5.09 8.90
Georgia 73.54 59.21 12.07 2.26 9.93 16.52
Idaho * * * * * *
Illinois 77.29 63.97 10.05 3.27 8.09 14.62
Iowa 78.82 63.69 11.03 4.10 6.28 14.90
Louisiana 79.10 66.89 10.49 1.72 7.63 13.28
Maine 76.23 66.59 8.24 1.40 6.25 17.52
Maryland 84.06 71.20 10.60 2.26 5.98 9.96
Massachusetts 82.11 70.52 10.32 1.27 6.06 11.83
Minnesota 82.13 62.04 16.90 3.19 6.89 10.98
Missouri 65.00 48.64 11.57 4.79 11.74 23.26
Nebraska 73.60 61.17 10.46 1.97 9.57 16.83
New Hampshire 77.44 62.59 12.24 2.61 7.35 15.21
New Jersey 72.24 56.98 12.68 2.57 9.12 18.65
New York 79.07 60.66 15.73 2.67 7.66 13.27
Ohio 73.23 55.88 14.85 2.50 8.99 17.78
Oregon 83.83 70.01 11.46 2.36 5.87 10.30
Pennsylvania 80.22 66.84 11.34 2.04 6.65 13.13
Rhode Island 91.96 83.70 8.09 0.17 2.14 5.90
Utah * * * * * *
Vermont 75.26 60.27 12.55 2.43 7.36 17.38
Virginia 70.89 57.17 10.61 3.11 10.81 18.30
Washington 86.28 75.32 8.80 2.16 5.59 8.13
Wisconsin 69.69 53.73 12.65 3.32 11.77 18.53
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Alabama 56.80 41.97 12.37 2.46 17.12 26.09
Arkansas 68.11 55.54 9.71 2.86 9.00 22.89
Colorado 70.56 55.98 12.17 2.40 9.59 19.85
Delaware 51.64 37.34 8.05 6.26 18.60 29.75
Indiana 76.32 62.23 12.42 1.67 6.78 16.90
Kentucky 69.15 41.39 22.32 5.43 12.77 18.08
North Carolina 75.76 61.64 10.84 3.28 8.70 15.54
North Dakota 76.51 58.21 16.58 1.73 7.20 16.29
South Carolina 66.25 50.99 12.04 3.22 12.21 21.54
Tennessee 72.85 56.21 13.42 3.22 10.09 17.06
Texas 77.46 61.91 12.66 2.88 9.17 13.38
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Arizona * * * * * *
Florida 72.27 55.54 14.43 2.29 9.31 18.42
Montana 72.57 49.90 19.34 3.33 10.86 16.56
New Mexico * * * * * *
South Dakota 75.36 46.84 24.56 3.96 9.47 15.17

* Fewer than three institutions.

Table 27. Six-Year Outcomes of Men Who Started at Four-Year Private Nonprofit Institutions, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution (Anywhere in U.S.) Still Enrolled (at Any Institution) Not Enrolled (at Any Institution)
Four-Year Two-Year
U.S. Overall 69.83 56.99 10.22 2.61 10.84 19.33
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alaska * * * * * *
California 75.30 67.99 5.98 1.32 9.39 15.31
Connecticut 77.69 66.79 9.03 1.87 7.00 15.31
District of Columbia 83.97 74.69 8.37 0.91 6.15 9.88
Georgia 64.89 53.33 9.37 2.18 13.09 22.02
Idaho * * * * * *
Illinois 71.58 60.15 8.47 2.96 9.20 19.22
Iowa 68.06 52.09 11.19 4.77 8.95 23.00
Louisiana 76.23 65.86 9.14 1.22 8.81 14.97
Maine 73.87 65.21 7.77 0.89 6.26 19.87
Maryland 84.28 73.27 9.27 1.75 6.71 9.01
Massachusetts 77.55 68.39 8.20 0.97 7.16 15.28
Minnesota 76.93 59.75 14.78 2.40 8.76 14.31
Missouri 58.41 40.87 9.49 8.04 13.60 27.99
Nebraska 62.35 47.39 10.40 4.56 10.79 26.87
New Hampshire 71.70 59.19 11.01 1.49 7.19 21.11
New Jersey 75.77 63.66 10.06 2.05 8.08 16.15
New York 72.79 57.89 12.54 2.36 10.19 17.02
Ohio 66.17 51.63 12.45 2.08 10.05 23.78
Oregon 77.84 67.71 8.66 1.46 7.97 14.20
Pennsylvania 76.33 64.85 9.80 1.68 7.78 15.89
Rhode Island 79.58 73.63 5.23 0.72 3.96 16.46
Utah * * * * * *
Vermont 67.98 55.31 10.06 2.61 8.10 23.92
Virginia 60.76 49.18 8.49 3.10 12.36 26.88
Washington 79.57 70.43 7.47 1.67 7.77 12.67
Wisconsin 68.50 53.84 11.30 3.36 11.46 20.03
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Alabama 45.99 34.31 9.32 2.36 18.73 35.28
Arkansas 64.58 53.64 8.81 2.12 13.20 22.22
Colorado 66.24 45.71 16.33 4.20 14.39 19.37
Delaware 41.12 26.64 8.31 6.17 16.99 41.89
Indiana 73.34 62.51 9.70 1.14 7.93 18.72
Kentucky 57.73 37.63 16.77 3.33 14.61 27.66
North Carolina 67.11 54.40 9.42 3.28 9.90 22.99
North Dakota 56.92 38.08 16.33 2.50 10.80 32.28
South Carolina 57.86 46.52 9.22 2.13 10.84 31.29
Tennessee 66.98 54.06 10.85 2.07 11.74 21.28
Texas 66.96 53.80 9.96 3.20 12.53 20.51
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Arizona * * * * * *
Florida 68.51 53.58 12.68 2.24 9.61 21.88
Montana 55.35 39.47 13.46 2.43 20.33 24.31
New Mexico * * * * * *
South Dakota 64.00 35.78 24.17 4.05 12.10 23.91

* Fewer than three institutions.

Table 28. Six-Year Completion Rates Across State Lines for Students Who Started at Four-Year Public Institutions in Fall 2008, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution Not Completed (at Any Institution)
In-State Out-of-State Multistate
U.S. Overall 62.85 49.80 8.80 3.87 0.39 22.71
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alabama 58.70 46.03 7.51 4.61 0.55 24.87
Alaska †† †† †† †† †† ††
Arizona 68.96 56.84 5.60 5.94 0.58 18.06
Arkansas 53.29 38.85 10.09 4.00 0.35 30.20
California 68.75 61.69 5.37 1.47 0.22 14.16
Colorado 61.97 47.34 8.63 5.49 0.51 23.87
Connecticut 71.57 58.78 7.00 5.63 0.15 17.42
Delaware * * * * * *
Florida 56.42 45.27 8.44 2.24 0.46 29.68
Georgia 61.74 47.44 11.27 2.61 0.42 22.46
Hawaii 57.95 45.28 5.27 6.91 0.49 26.91
Idaho 43.77 30.17 6.11 6.57 0.93 32.25
Illinois 73.20 57.99 12.69 2.12 0.41 16.09
Iowa 79.56 66.39 6.88 6.14 0.15 12.81
Kansas 63.79 51.62 7.62 4.31 0.25 22.92
Kentucky 57.89 44.72 8.62 4.28 0.27 27.43
Louisiana 55.99 41.58 10.89 3.22 0.31 26.67
Maine 55.43 38.26 8.49 8.37 0.31 30.46
Maryland 61.64 45.48 4.24 11.24 0.69 22.18
Massachusetts 68.06 56.08 8.19 3.48 0.30 21.07
Michigan 70.40 60.51 7.37 2.16 0.35 15.73
Minnesota 71.67 46.76 14.95 8.92 1.03 16.06
Mississippi 61.98 48.12 8.12 5.47 0.27 22.69
Missouri 63.17 39.24 17.67 5.94 0.33 20.42
Montana 51.11 40.43 4.98 5.43 0.27 33.37
Nebraska 64.61 46.00 12.39 6.07 0.16 19.56
Nevada 28.76 21.33 3.08 3.54 0.81 47.48
New Hampshire 78.17 64.84 3.44 9.71 0.19 15.45
North Carolina 70.80 59.89 7.79 2.97 0.14 18.01
North Dakota 64.61 45.32 7.06 11.47 0.76 23.11
Ohio 59.80 47.70 8.72 2.94 0.44 26.23
Oregon 64.98 51.68 6.32 6.67 0.30 20.42
Pennsylvania 71.25 59.74 7.89 3.32 0.31 19.87
Rhode Island * * * * * *
South Carolina 71.86 57.35 8.11 6.16 0.25 17.11
South Dakota 64.65 46.04 10.76 7.07 0.77 23.85
Tennessee 58.03 45.89 8.60 3.14 0.40 26.83
Texas 60.56 47.55 11.37 1.35 0.29 23.13
Utah 39.27 28.65 8.09 2.21 0.32 30.25
Vermont 75.25 61.98 2.83 10.05 0.39 18.08
Virginia 77.46 67.13 6.26 3.91 0.16 13.70
Washington 62.00 48.72 8.80 3.85 0.64 24.00
West Virginia 54.23 39.76 7.89 6.25 0.33 30.91
Wisconsin 68.70 52.81 11.17 4.10 0.62 18.81
Wyoming 64.65 53.62 2.79 7.92 0.32 21.89
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
New Jersey 73.30 60.77 9.73 2.63 0.17 15.96
New Mexico 46.14 37.09 5.07 3.31 0.68 33.29
New York 62.46 48.12 11.74 2.31 0.29 24.48
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Oklahoma 44.43 32.69 8.56 2.76 0.42 40.19

* Fewer than three institutions.
†† Results are not reported because the cohort includes both two-year and four-year enrollments.
Note: Students who started at a multistate institution were excluded from this study. However, if students completed at a multistate institution their results are captured in the table under “First Completion at Different Institution: In-state, Out-of-state, and Multistate.”

Table 29. Six-Year Completion Rates Across State Lines for Students Who Started at Two-Year Public Institutions in Fall 2008, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution Not Completed (at Any Institution)
In-State Out-of-State Multistate
U.S. Overall 39.13 26.14 10.12 2.12 0.75 42.94
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
California 29.34 16.90 10.11 1.58 0.75 42.64
Colorado 38.59 25.46 9.28 3.03 0.81 45.00
Connecticut 32.71 23.97 6.03 2.45 0.27 49.82
Florida 52.27 41.80 8.20 1.66 0.60 34.85
Georgia 39.51 29.70 7.45 1.30 1.05 44.56
Hawaii 40.11 30.02 6.02 1.89 2.18 43.17
Idaho 38.48 29.04 5.05 3.54 0.84 46.66
Illinois 43.81 29.69 10.48 2.62 1.02 40.76
Indiana 22.45 13.22 6.95 1.36 0.92 57.70
Iowa 45.66 27.95 13.88 3.49 0.33 43.95
Kentucky 40.36 32.03 6.43 1.57 0.33 46.89
Maine 39.01 32.32 4.70 1.63 0.36 51.11
Maryland 38.36 24.86 9.20 3.77 0.53 42.53
Massachusetts 37.83 29.19 6.18 1.82 0.64 47.68
Michigan 35.87 24.55 9.09 1.33 0.90 44.51
Minnesota 54.18 36.13 12.94 3.51 1.60 34.01
Mississippi 46.01 34.19 9.35 1.89 0.58 41.81
Missouri 39.87 24.24 12.45 2.33 0.85 45.31
Nebraska 42.12 27.21 12.33 2.26 0.31 42.87
Nevada * * * * * *
New Jersey 37.67 27.96 6.07 3.01 0.63 46.65
New York 42.15 30.73 9.18 1.52 0.73 44.27
North Carolina 39.04 28.38 8.62 1.69 0.35 45.37
North Dakota 62.03 46.67 8.48 6.30 0.59 31.99
Ohio 34.69 23.20 9.08 1.63 0.78 49.25
Oregon 30.29 22.52 4.97 1.96 0.84 52.24
Pennsylvania 38.91 25.60 11.13 1.69 0.49 45.80
Rhode Island * * * * * *
South Carolina 37.19 22.30 12.05 1.82 1.02 45.85
Tennessee 40.83 27.63 10.70 1.88 0.61 45.83
Vermont 39.22 23.19 10.26 5.17 0.60 48.30
Virginia 45.93 29.66 12.57 3.04 0.66 38.18
Washington 42.69 31.69 7.68 2.30 1.02 42.70
Wisconsin 47.06 35.36 9.69 1.01 0.99 39.80
Wyoming 40.04 22.72 8.10 8.30 0.92 44.56
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Arkansas 37.97 27.72 8.59 1.37 0.28 48.35
Kansas 47.87 27.60 15.06 4.60 0.61 36.12
Montana 48.51 36.47 8.01 3.76 0.26 40.09
South Dakota 64.89 60.46 3.21 0.95 0.26 30.33
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Texas 38.77 19.39 16.43 2.33 0.63 40.82
Utah * * * * * *

* Fewer than three institutions.
Note: Students who started at a multistate institution were excluded from this study. However, if students completed at a multistate institution their results are captured in the table under “First Completion at Different Institution: In-state, Out-of-state, and Multistate.”

Table 30. Six-Year Completion Rates Across State Lines for Students Who Started at Four-Year Private Nonprofit Institutions in Fall 2008, by Origin State

State Total Completion Rate First Completion at Starting Institution First Completion at Different Institution Not Completed (at Any Institution)
In-State Out-of-State Multistate
U.S. Overall 73.57 59.82 7.10 6.29 0.36 17.17
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alaska * * * * * *
California 76.78 68.24 4.25 4.06 0.23 14.77
Connecticut 80.99 68.42 2.63 9.72 0.22 12.76
District of Columbia 84.72 75.02 0.70 8.92 0.08 9.65
Georgia 69.41 56.31 7.26 5.50 0.33 19.57
Idaho * * * * * *
Illinois 74.65 62.58 6.52 5.18 0.38 16.99
Iowa 73.36 58.15 7.10 8.04 0.08 19.27
Louisiana 77.38 66.04 4.25 6.71 0.38 14.48
Maine 75.53 66.47 2.56 6.32 0.18 18.30
Maryland 83.40 71.34 4.90 7.03 0.14 10.13
Massachusetts 80.13 69.83 4.18 5.94 0.17 13.42
Minnesota 79.72 61.11 8.14 9.84 0.63 12.68
Missouri 61.95 45.41 7.79 8.23 0.53 25.73
Nebraska 67.71 54.09 5.51 7.71 0.39 22.42
New Hampshire 74.88 61.19 2.96 10.42 0.31 17.90
New Jersey 73.04 59.14 9.45 4.26 0.19 18.34
New York 75.97 59.47 10.90 5.37 0.23 15.35
Ohio 69.70 53.98 10.62 4.78 0.33 20.94
Oregon 81.60 69.49 4.03 7.86 0.22 12.01
Pennsylvania 78.40 66.11 6.05 6.00 0.24 14.53
Rhode Island 85.29 78.16 0.67 6.36 0.10 11.74
Utah * * * * * *
Vermont 70.83 56.75 2.08 11.58 0.42 21.42
Virginia 66.02 53.40 4.63 7.59 0.39 22.66
Washington 83.29 73.21 4.62 5.26 0.20 10.26
Wisconsin 68.81 53.51 8.34 6.51 0.46 19.65
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Alabama 51.11 38.01 5.43 7.10 0.57 31.42
Arkansas 66.67 54.89 3.73 7.76 0.28 22.54
Colorado 68.12 50.69 6.73 10.37 0.33 20.17
Delaware 45.51 31.36 4.57 9.08 0.50 36.98
Kentucky 64.54 40.62 17.23 6.31 0.38 22.34
North Carolina 71.97 58.88 6.48 6.39 0.21 19.17
North Dakota 67.14 48.15 7.21 11.33 0.46 23.97
South Carolina 62.19 48.85 7.76 5.19 0.39 26.36
Tennessee 69.95 55.27 7.36 7.09 0.23 19.46
Texas 72.51 58.30 10.05 3.90 0.26 16.97
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Arizona * * * * * *
Florida 70.26 54.65 7.41 7.60 0.59 20.35
Montana 64.96 45.92 9.33 9.55 0.16 20.24
New Mexico * * * * * *
South Dakota 69.96 42.05 14.78 12.35 0.78 19.56

* Fewer than three institutions.
Note: Students who started at a multistate institution were excluded from this study. However, if students completed at a multistate institution their results are captured in the table under “First Completion at Different Institution: In-state, Out-of-state, and Multistate.”

Appendix A: Coverage

Table A1. National Student Clearinghouse Historical* and Current** Coverage of Enrollments, by Institution Type Across States

State Four-Year Public Two-Year Public Four-Year Private Nonprofit
Historical Coverage Rate Current NSC Coverage Rate Historical Coverage Rate Current NSC Coverage Rate Historical Coverage Rate Current NSC Coverage Rate
Alabama 95.8% 100.0% 41.7% 97.4% 87.4% 90.4%
Alaska 100.0% 100.0% 82.0% 100.0% 84.6% 91.9%
Arizona 100.0% 100.0% 7.8% 99.9% 45.5% 60.9%
Arkansas 97.1% 100.0% 75.4% 98.2% 84.9% 84.4%
California 99.9% 100.0% 94.5% 100.0% 82.5% 93.7%
Colorado 84.9% 94.8% 100.0% 100.0% 87.2% 96.7%
Connecticut 95.5% 98.6% 100.0% 100.0% 71.4% 97.8%
Delaware 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% 100.0% 91.9% 91.2%
District of Columbia 0.0% 100.0% N/A N/A 92.7% 98.6%
Florida 97.7% 99.7% 98.3% 100.0% 78.2% 86.7%
Georgia 100.0% 100.0% 87.3% 100.0% 89.1% 95.4%
Hawaii 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 19.0% 94.7%
Idaho 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 93.4% 99.3%
Illinois 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 91.8% 97.1%
Indiana 37.6% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 72.7% 98.1%
Iowa 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 78.9% 98.7%
Kansas 97.0% 99.2% 80.6% 90.7% 58.1% 79.8%
Kentucky 100.0% 100.0% 83.0% 100.0% 74.3% 87.9%
Louisiana 91.4% 98.0% 52.6% 91.8% 76.9% 99.1%
Maine 100.0% 100.0% 89.0% 100.0% 89.8% 99.5%
Maryland 88.1% 97.3% 96.9% 100.0% 90.8% 92.7%
Massachusetts 93.7% 99.1% 90.9% 100.0% 80.5% 97.3%
Michigan 91.9% 100.0% 90.0% 99.7% 53.1% 95.3%
Minnesota 100.0% 100.0% 99.1% 99.7% 95.7% 96.4%
Mississippi 94.8% 100.0% 79.6% 100.0% 60.0% 99.0%
Missouri 100.0% 100.0% 95.4% 100.0% 87.6% 93.9%
Montana 100.0% 100.0% 79.5% 80.0% 73.9% 79.9%
Nebraska 100.0% 100.0% 99.0% 99.7% 93.9% 98.6%
Nevada 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 45.1%
New Hampshire 100.0% 100.0% 17.2% 100.0% 93.5% 98.1%
New Jersey 89.3% 100.0% 94.5% 100.0% 69.6% 89.5%
New Mexico 88.0% 93.5% 46.3% 97.0% 63.3% 89.1%
New York 89.5% 98.6% 98.2% 100.0% 90.8% 95.2%
North Carolina 100.0% 100.0% 91.6% 99.8% 86.5% 95.1%
North Dakota 99.1% 99.5% 94.9% 96.4% 84.3% 80.2%
Ohio 99.6% 100.0% 92.9% 100.0% 87.8% 97.4%
Oklahoma 69.4% 99.6% 60.7% 100.0% 67.2% 93.2%
Oregon 96.9% 100.0% 88.2% 100.0% 85.4% 91.5%
Pennsylvania 97.5% 100.0% 98.5% 100.0% 97.0% 98.6%
Rhode Island 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 88.4% 100.0%
South Carolina 100.0% 100.0% 98.2% 98.0% 79.9% 94.6%
South Dakota 93.0% 95.8% 79.5% 97.2% 70.9% 87.4%
Tennessee 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 80.2% 93.3%
Texas 89.3% 99.6% 68.6% 98.0% 83.6% 96.9%
Utah 100.0% 100.0% 79.9% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Vermont 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 81.3% 98.2%
Virginia 100.0% 100.0% 95.6% 100.0% 88.9% 97.3%
Washington 100.0% 100.0% 99.7% 100.0% 78.7% 93.8%
West Virginia 84.3% 98.8% 62.6% 82.4% 46.0% 89.8%
Wisconsin 100.0% 100.0% 99.6% 100.0% 93.8% 95.7%
Wyoming 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% N/A N/A

* Due to the need to establish students’ first-time status, only institutions that have submitted enrollment data to the Clearinghouse dating back to June 1, 2004 are included in the report. Historical coverage rates are calculated as IPEDS Enrollments of institutions included in the report divided by Total IPEDS Enrollment for that state and institution type (based on Fall 2008 data).
** Current coverage rates are calculated as IPEDS Enrollments of current active participants in the Clearinghouse’s Enrollment Reporting Service divided by Total IPEDS Enrollment for that state and institution type.

Appendix B: Unique Student Headcounts by State and Institution Type

Appendix B provides unique student headcounts by state for each institution type. The final data set was created, drawing from the full cohort of all students enrolled in each sector and state, selecting out students identified as first-time-in-college, and finally excluding students identified as nondegree-seeking and applying a few other conditions. (For further detail on the definition of degree-seeking status and other exclusions applied, please see Completing College: A National View, Appendix A at Signature Report 8.) Counts from the final data set (Fall 2008 First-Time Degree-Seeking Cohort) are further broken out by student enrollment status, age at first entry, and gender.

Table B1. Total Counts for Students Who Started at Four-Year Public Institutions by Origin State

State Fall 2008 Cohort
Total Exclusively Full-Time Students Exclusively Part-Time Students Mixed Enrollment Students Age 20 or Younger at First Entry Over Age 20-24 at First Entry Over Age 24 at First Entry Women Men
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alabama 23,620 9,852 987 12,779 19,315 1,380 2,923 11,923 9,616
Alaska †† †† †† †† †† †† †† †† ††
Arizona 20,650 9,618 584 10,444 18,045 1,045 1,559 10,358 8,774
Arkansas 15,490 6,042 702 8,744 13,107 886 1,496 8,128 6,517
California 88,082 37,101 1,799 49,179 80,290 2,294 5,412 44,745 34,001
Colorado 22,778 10,816 1,043 10,918 19,988 903 1,880 10,571 10,018
Connecticut 10,563 6,299 432 3,831 9,433 279 844 5,039 4,663
Delaware * * * * * * * * *
Florida 72,114 15,760 11,124 45,218 54,939 4,984 12,181 38,886 29,503
Georgia 35,584 14,081 1,082 20,420 31,314 1,323 2,946 17,683 14,655
Hawaii 3,664 1,589 313 1,761 2,985 192 487 1,922 1,303
Idaho 9,473 3,005 875 5,591 7,416 675 1,382 4,598 3,956
Illinois 25,977 15,874 549 9,552 22,818 1,125 1,893 12,693 11,222
Iowa 10,341 6,645 218 3,477 9,329 349 634 5,233 5,011
Kansas 13,480 6,019 631 6,828 10,946 1,119 1,412 6,482 5,962
Kentucky 19,724 9,287 800 9,634 17,414 645 1,664 10,550 8,291
Louisiana 25,836 9,435 1,053 15,343 22,184 1,174 2,473 13,838 10,166
Maine 6,033 2,322 435 3,275 4,946 323 759 3,301 2,725
Maryland 24,947 10,044 4,463 10,421 14,605 2,879 7,458 10,763 11,707
Massachusetts 16,450 9,472 964 6,011 13,981 671 1,780 7,958 7,066
Michigan 37,903 17,542 1,050 19,304 34,088 1,353 2,460 19,759 16,048
Minnesota 22,538 8,851 687 12,999 20,297 837 1,363 11,845 9,611
Mississippi 8,881 4,736 247 3,898 7,743 350 788 4,783 3,526
Missouri 27,282 10,052 936 16,290 24,902 819 1,559 14,933 11,290
Montana 6,300 3,263 265 2,772 4,791 510 999 2,913 2,918
Nebraska 8,897 3,962 228 4,705 8,247 185 456 4,233 3,993
Nevada 16,304 2,774 4,371 9,144 10,180 1,299 4,769 7,971 7,518
New Hampshire 5,623 4,047 200 1,376 5,137 139 344 2,924 2,313
North Carolina 33,305 19,341 591 13,373 30,243 868 2,192 17,057 13,084
North Dakota 6,740 3,031 265 3,442 5,857 306 577 3,049 3,160
Ohio 57,582 25,159 2,677 29,738 49,161 2,792 5,621 29,265 25,121
Oregon 11,312 3,102 452 7,758 9,862 415 1,033 5,553 4,841
Pennsylvania 50,334 32,337 1,319 16,673 45,558 1,646 3,111 25,036 22,828
Rhode Island * * * * * * * * *
South Carolina 16,915 10,470 385 6,059 15,570 449 888 9,064 6,928
South Dakota 5,302 2,501 272 2,528 4,427 281 594 2,638 2,292
Tennessee 21,851 10,088 951 10,806 18,994 804 2,053 10,999 8,930
Texas 63,829 21,205 3,091 39,523 54,157 3,624 6,048 32,557 27,840
Utah 25,995 5,523 3,018 17,445 21,503 1,881 2,603 12,504 11,160
Vermont 4,210 2,941 112 1,156 3,856 114 201 2,240 1,926
Virginia 32,201 20,988 835 10,378 29,321 926 1,951 16,070 13,280
Washington 26,129 8,623 1,899 15,605 21,221 1,237 3,661 13,227 11,423
West Virginia 13,463 6,354 665 6,442 11,291 587 1,582 6,659 6,133
Wisconsin 30,360 16,174 1,301 12,876 26,960 1,101 2,297 15,237 13,133
Wyoming 1,402 937 ** 428 1,198 54 150 699 660
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
New Jersey 19,483 12,318 694 6,469 17,207 659 1,616 9,826 8,780
New Mexico 9,621 3,859 907 4,851 7,760 544 1,316 4,955 4,051
New York 56,032 29,179 2,502 24,343 45,792 2,399 4,826 27,201 22,531
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Oklahoma 15,358 4,574 1,874 8,909 11,245 1,541 2,553 7,479 6,577

NOTE: Counts represent unique students.
* Fewer than three institutions.
** Fewer than 50 students in subgroup.
†† Results are not reported because the cohort includes both two-year and four-year enrollments.

Table B2. Total Counts for Students Who Started at Two-Year Public Institutions, by Origin State

State Fall 2008 Cohort
Total Exclusively Full-Time Students Exclusively Part-Time Students Mixed Enrollment Students Age 20 or Younger at First Entry Over Age 20-24 at First Entry Over Age 24 at First Entry Women Men
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
California 189,268 23,550 18,694 146,731 142,731 13,151 32,472 91,230 80,926
Colorado 13,850 3,252 1,972 8,622 9,022 1,448 3,379 6,657 5,912
Connecticut 9,379 1,562 1,588 6,229 6,518 1,021 1,837 4,646 3,755
Florida 49,390 9,298 5,282 34,797 37,804 4,131 7,446 26,979 20,398
Georgia 24,569 5,830 2,174 16,560 12,800 3,573 8,196 12,887 9,165
Hawaii 4,310 975 440 2,892 3,240 327 743 1,974 1,751
Idaho 2,634 790 212 1,622 1,825 236 569 1,326 1,022
Illinois 50,466 12,348 5,125 32,933 37,806 3,901 8,727 25,134 21,821
Indiana 2,662 326 542 1,791 1,345 441 876 1,286 1,265
Iowa 17,253 6,004 927 10,309 13,195 1,230 2,825 8,424 7,977
Kentucky 13,280 3,259 1,626 8,358 8,418 1,304 3,554 7,618 5,662
Maine 2,788 919 289 1,576 1,849 316 622 1,283 1,420
Maryland 23,412 5,496 2,130 15,770 17,529 1,867 4,014 11,527 9,388
Massachusetts 16,283 3,654 1,983 10,642 11,030 1,835 3,406 8,142 6,818
Michigan 37,938 6,865 4,909 26,150 26,497 3,066 8,356 19,362 16,259
Minnesota 23,648 7,278 1,654 14,709 16,312 2,586 4,725 11,782 11,863
Mississippi 14,728 5,890 479 8,351 10,325 1,575 2,826 8,062 5,522
Missouri 17,775 4,598 1,446 11,674 12,571 1,430 3,772 9,752 7,229
Nebraska 6,829 2,039 492 4,284 4,784 588 1,454 3,267 3,132
Nevada * * * * * * * * *
New Jersey 32,625 9,904 2,253 20,463 24,515 3,011 5,065 16,141 14,046
New York 60,800 22,672 2,311 35,793 44,371 5,807 7,920 29,009 25,758
North Carolina 39,638 10,266 3,397 25,964 25,676 3,362 10,584 21,498 16,124
North Dakota 1,159 621 ** 491 860 112 187 491 550
Ohio 29,541 6,092 3,156 20,263 17,928 3,189 8,411 15,738 12,137
Oregon 14,606 2,653 1,348 10,584 8,254 1,527 4,819 6,933 6,255
Pennsylvania 25,429 7,129 2,571 15,715 17,474 2,675 5,154 12,861 10,317
Rhode Island * * * * * * * * *
South Carolina 17,902 4,365 1,776 11,739 11,934 1,708 4,258 9,931 7,101
Tennessee 15,397 3,689 1,571 10,135 10,167 1,449 3,781 8,431 5,636
Vermont 742 129 215 395 384 97 261 492 250
Virginia 29,384 5,326 3,450 20,595 22,324 2,210 4,849 15,067 12,090
Washington 34,980 10,487 1,322 23,162 23,398 3,051 8,478 17,515 14,186
Wisconsin 16,444 5,806 1,793 8,832 9,956 1,775 4,710 7,431 7,666
Wyoming 3,705 1,469 227 2,004 2,794 287 623 1,973 1,459
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Arkansas 7,680 2,386 691 4,600 4,213 666 2,376 4,225 2,871
Kansas 10,501 3,410 718 6,367 8,047 796 1,624 5,236 4,521
Montana 1,321 563 85 673 808 139 375 674 583
South Dakota 1,264 842 53 369 819 178 258 491 660
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Texas 83,362 14,252 7,573 61,504 59,930 7,632 15,796 43,048 34,774
Utah * * * * * * * * *

* Fewer than three institutions.
** Fewer than 50 students in subgroup.

Table B3. Total Counts for Students Who Started at Four-Year Private Nonprofit Institutions, by Origin State

State Fall 2008 Cohort
Total Exclusively Full-Time Students Exclusively Part-Time Students Mixed Enrollment Students Age 20 or Younger at First Entry Over Age 20-24 at First Entry Over Age 24 at First Entry Women Men
States with High Historical Coverage (90% or higher)
Alaska * * * * * * * * *
California 23,013 15,098 471 7,440 19,438 892 2,642 12,463 8,845
Connecticut 7,941 6,117 161 1,663 7,299 201 436 4,185 3,225
District of Columbia 8,889 6,170 387 2,328 7,624 308 928 4,610 3,323
Georgia 9,497 5,276 157 4,064 8,118 359 1,017 5,214 3,469
Idaho * * * * * * * * *
Illinois 24,847 15,824 830 8,187 21,490 761 2,530 13,094 9,871
Iowa 7,001 4,522 178 2,299 6,191 178 628 3,566 3,095
Louisiana 2,986 2,028 117 841 2,664 70 251 1,674 1,215
Maine 3,007 2,261 133 613 2,663 82 261 1,649 1,241
Maryland 6,380 4,796 262 1,321 5,474 160 743 3,473 2,410
Massachusetts 33,292 24,453 1,326 7,511 28,032 1,263 3,922 17,874 12,687
Minnesota 9,987 6,254 228 3,504 9,086 264 624 5,517 3,982
Missouri 15,415 6,725 1,733 6,952 9,419 1,111 4,865 8,047 6,723
Nebraska 3,450 2,268 106 1,074 2,569 123 749 1,703 1,564
New Hampshire 4,165 2,662 224 1,278 3,394 164 602 2,195 1,744
New Jersey 7,776 5,058 439 2,279 6,227 384 1,136 4,094 3,197
New York 67,240 43,249 2,121 21,866 57,303 2,886 7,001 35,140 26,967
Ohio 21,361 12,854 763 7,739 18,763 691 1,863 10,787 9,444
Oregon 3,850 2,534 121 1,195 3,430 108 312 2,180 1,372
Pennsylvania 44,836 31,819 1,522 11,486 40,161 1,178 3,458 23,732 18,014
Rhode Island 5,199 4,074 70 1,055 4,590 259 349 2,392 2,504
Utah * * * * * * * * *
Vermont 2,594 1,808 69 718 2,230 117 245 1,161 1,341
Virginia 13,082 7,164 549 5,366 10,204 533 2,344 6,790 5,484
Washington 5,529 3,905 74 1,550 4,992 119 417 3,121 2,113
Wisconsin 8,732 5,486 348 2,897 7,619 197 909 4,707 3,415
States with Medium Historical Coverage (80%-89%)
Alabama 4,623 2,380 123 2,120 3,923 186 508 2,459 1,813
Arkansas 2,374 1,530 124 719 2,020 110 242 1,325 958
Colorado 2,699 1,227 250 1,221 1,856 99 742 1,441 1,144
Delaware 1,304 386 171 747 776 174 349 680 582
Indiana 11,657 7,982 242 3,321 9,393 350 1,901 6,114 5,001
Kentucky 5,396 2,573 115 2,706 4,749 153 494 2,935 2,134
North Carolina 12,651 8,509 274 3,867 11,070 444 1,123 6,567 5,086
North Dakota 754 460 ** 278 637 ** 96 409 320
South Carolina 5,546 3,554 79 1,912 4,982 193 368 3,163 1,961
Tennessee 10,567 6,272 346 3,948 9,120 380 1,010 5,513 4,367
Texas 17,037 9,389 734 6,910 14,668 614 1,730 9,020 7,056
States with Low Historical Coverage (65%-79%)
Arizona * * * * * * * * *
Florida 11,624 7,017 485 4,103 8,990 504 2,127 6,346 4,507
Montana 721 390 ** 310 645 ** 50 351 307
New Mexico * * * * * * * * *
South Dakota 1,296 522 62 709 1,162 ** 104 717 528

* Fewer than three institutions.
** Fewer than 50 students in subgroup.

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