Search results for "time to degree" | National Student Clearinghouse Research Center

Completing College – State & National – 2021 (PDF)

…full-time, part-time (i.e., halftime or less than half-time), or withdrawal status2; 5. Showed intent to seek a degree or certificate. That is: • For students who started at four-year institutions,…

Completing College – State & National – 2020 (PDF)

…enter postsecondary education for the first time each year, enrolling full-time or part-time at two-year or four-year institutions, and completing at any U.S. degree-granting institution. It includes those who complete…

Yearly Success and Progress Rates – 2021 (PDF)

…Figure 1. First-Time, Full-Time Degree-Seeking Students at all Institutions (N= 1,830,684) Figure 2. First-Time, Part-Time Degree-Seeking Students at all Institutions (N= 429,459) Not Enrolled Anywhere Transferred & Enrolled: Other Institution…

Persistence and Retention – 2023 Appendix (XLSX)

…Part-Time Retention Count 22,953 34,923 31,282 25,317 27,277 Retention Rate 51.0% 49.5% 45.6% 47.9% 46.8% Persistence Count 25,312 39,114 34,726 28,767 30,944 Persistence Rate 56.2% 55.5% 50.6% 54.4% 53.1% Student…

Persistence and Retention – 2022 (PDF)

…full-time status or part-time status based on their earliest reported enrollment intensity within the entering fall term. The part-time category comprises three- quarter-time, half-time and less-than-half-time students. We included non-credential…

Persistence and Retention – 2021 (PDF)

…U.S. Degree/Certificate-Seeking Status The report is designed to examine retention and persistence rates for undergraduate-level degree-seeking students (certificate, associate, or bachelor’s degrees), including both U.S. and international students. While degree-seeking…

Some College, No Credential – 2024 (PDF)

…backgrounds and with different enrollment histories. Finally, we report on credential earners, looking at who earns degrees versus non-degree credentials and in what timeframe. We also provide insights on a…

Stay Informed Data Appendix – Fall 2023 (XLSX)

…3.0% Part-Time -6.9% 0.0% -6.9% Total -3.9% 0.1% -3.8% 25-29 Full-Time -2.1% -3.9% -5.9% Part-Time -13.1% -2.5% -15.3% Total -10.1% -2.9% -12.7% 30 or Older Full-Time 2.7% 1.1% 3.9% Part-Time

Current Term Enrollment Estimates – Fall 2021 (PDF)

…Program Level Sector Fall 2021 Fall 2020 Fall 2019 Fall 2018 Fall 2017 Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Undergraduate (All) All Sectors 22 27 22…

Current Term Enrollment Estimates – Spring 2021 (PDF)

…2021 Spring 2020 Spring 2019 Spring 2018 Spring 2017 Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Undergraduate (All) All Sectors 22.84 27.51 22.70 27.67 22.75 27.83 22.86…

Current Term Enrollment Estimates – Fall 2020 (PDF)

…Fall 2016 Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Undergraduate (All) All Sectors 21.9 26.8 21.8 27.2 21.9 27.3 22.0 27.5 22.1 27.6 Public 4-year 21.0 26.7…

Current Term Enrollment Estimates – Spring 2023 (PDF)

…The part-time category includes enrollments reported to the Clearinghouse as three- quarter time, half-time, and less-than-half-time. Enrollment intensity is defined by the institution and based on the earliest data submitted…

Some College, No Credential – 2023 (PDF)

…One week enrolled at half-time equaled 0.5 FTW equivalent o One week enrolled at less than half-time or quarter-time equaled 0.25 FTW equivalent For the purposes of these analyses, two…

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