2019 | National Student Clearinghouse Research Center
High School Benchmarks –  2019

High School Benchmarks – 2019

This seventh annual report provides the most current data on high school graduates’ postsecondary enrollment, persistence, and completion outcomes. It provides the most relevant benchmarks for evaluating and monitoring progress in assisting students to make the transition from high school to college. This year’s report examines the immediate college enrollment for high school graduating class of 2018, persistence for class of 2016, and completion for class of 2012. We continue to see large gaps between higher-income and low-income high schools on all fronts.

Completing College – National – 2016 – Eight Year Outcomes Supplement

Completing College – National – 2016 – Eight Year Outcomes Supplement

This fifth annual report on national college completion rates offers a look at the six-year outcomes for students who began postsecondary education in fall 2010, toward the end of the Great Recession. It looks at the various pathways students took toward degree completion, as well as the completion rates through May 2016 for the different student types who followed each pathway.

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