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Completing College – National – 2015 (PDF)

Completing College – National – 2015 (PDF)

This fourth annual report on national college completion rates offers a look at the six-year outcomes for students who began postsecondary education in fall 2009, the cohort that entered college as the Great Recession was...
Great Recession Enrollment Trends – 2011 (PDF)

Great Recession Enrollment Trends – 2011 (PDF)

This report, “National Postsecondary Enrollment Trends: Before, During, and After the Great Recession,” brings to light emerging national and regional patterns among traditional-age, first-time students enrolling in colleges and universities during the...
Some College, No Degree – 2019 (PDF)

Some College, No Degree – 2019 (PDF)

In the United States, approximately two million people each year enter postsecondary education for the first time. Eight years later, one-third of those who started have not earned any formal credential and are no longer enrolled.1 While it is true that more people...
Some College, No Degree – 2014 (PDF)

Some College, No Degree – 2014 (PDF)

This report examines the “some college, no degree” phenomenon to better understand the value of some college in its own right and as well as the contribution the “some college, no degree” population can make to achieving college completion...

Completing College – National Extra – 2013

This Signature Completions Extra will present the six-year outcomes for the fall 2007 cohort, not including dual enrollment students. The data will allow readers to compare the fall 2007 cohort results to the fall 2006 cohort results that were presented in November 2012 as part of Signature Report 4, the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center’s first college completion study.

Reverse Transfer – 2012

In our third Signature Report, we examine enrollment pathways of reverse transfer students, those who moved from four-year to two-year institutions outside of summer months. Understanding this type of student mobility can help campus policymakers at both two-year and four-year institutions craft policies that will help institutions reach their enrollment goals and better assist students in making decisions about their educational pathways.

Reverse Transfer – 2012 (PDF)

Reverse Transfer – 2012 (PDF)

The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center found that one-third of all first-time students who began at a four-year institution transferred to or enrolled at a different institution at least once within five years after their initial enrollment and that more...
From Community College to Graduate and Professional Degrees – 2017 (PDF)

From Community College to Graduate and Professional Degrees – 2017 (PDF)

Community colleges provide an important entry point on the pathway to graduate and professional degree completion. Nearly 20 percent of 2016-17 master’s degree earners originally entered higher education in a community college, and nearly 12 percent earned an...

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