Completing College – National – 2017

Completing College – National – 2017

This sixth annual report on national college completion rates offers a look at the six-year outcomes for students who began postsecondary education in fall 2011. It looks at the various pathways students took toward degree completion, as well as the completion rates through June 2017 for the different student types who followed each pathway.

High School Benchmarks –  2017

High School Benchmarks – 2017

Our fifth annual report provides the most updated data on high school graduates’ college access, persistence, and completion outcomes. The report provides the most relevant benchmarks for evaluating and monitoring progress in assisting students to make the transition from high school to college.

Persistence & Retention – 2017

Persistence & Retention – 2017

Of all students who started college in fall 2015, 73.4 percent persisted at any U.S. institution in fall 2016, while 61.1 percent were retained at their starting institution. The persistence rate is the percentage of students who return to college at any institution for their second year, while the retention rate is the percentage of students who return to the same institution.

Yearly Success & Progress Rates – 2017

Yearly Success & Progress Rates – 2017

By the end of year four, 40.5 percent of individuals who began college in fall 2010 as full-time degree-seeking students had completed a postsecondary credential, while 24.5 percent were no longer enrolled. By the end of year six, 61.1 percent had graduated, while 28.5 percent had left college without earning a credential.

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