Yearly Progress and Completion

Yearly Progress and Completion

The Yearly Progress and Completion report contains many elements previously published in the NSC Research Center’s two primary reports focused on student progress toward credential attainment, Yearly Success and Progress and Completing College. This report combines the year-over-year look at a cohort’s journey toward completion (Yearly Success and Progress) with the in-depth analysis of six-year and eight-year cohort completion rates (Completing College) into an interactive dashboard.

Stay Informed

Stay Informed

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, colleges and universities are pressed to re-evaluate their long- and short-term strategies, particularly as they pertain to enrollment management and student support services. The Research Center’s Stay Informed report series continues to enable educational and policy leaders to make informed decisions through timely enrollment trend reporting that began with the pandemic.

Undergraduate Degree Earners

Undergraduate Degree Earners

The Undergraduate Degree Earners Report provides a demographic and education credential profile for all students who graduate with an undergraduate-level credential, encompassing undergraduate certificates and associate and bachelor’s degrees. In this report, we profile students who earned undergraduate credentials during the most recent academic year (2022-23), focusing on first-time completers versus those with a prior award.

Transfer and Progress

Transfer and Progress

Transfer enrollment represents 13.2 percent of all continuing and returning undergraduates in fall 2023. The number of students who transferred into a new institution in fall 2023 grew 5.3 percent in fall 2023 compared to fall 2022 (+62,600), driven by students transferring from a two-year institution to a four-year institution (upward transfer, +7.7%).

Postsecondary Data Partnership Insights

Postsecondary Data Partnership Insights

The PDP Insights report focuses on students’ first year credit completion ratio (CCR) and credit accumulation rate (CAR). These early momentum measures can offer insights into students’ progression toward degree completion and provide indicators of when and where gaps in ultimate degree attainment between groups may begin.

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